Orange County NC Website
(-11 Gene Fall y nat Fa-li". the Perirr.eta- r`f+h.. .r r.&r...,-...... � <br /> A 50-foot wide landscaped buffer shall be installed along any <br /> portion(s) of property with public road frontage in accordance with <br /> the provisions of Section 6.8 of this Ordinance. <br /> In those instances where there are existing structures or vehicular <br /> use areas already encroaching into the required landscaped area, the <br /> applicant shall condense the required plantings into the un- <br /> encroached landscaped area. <br /> The ultimate intent of this landscape area, for existing and new <br /> facilities, is to: <br /> (1) Provide noise attenuation, <br /> (2) Shield the direct view of the activities from surrounding <br /> residential uses, <br /> (3) Provide formal, defined, entries into the facility, and <br /> (4) Naturalize the perimeter. 2 <br /> (D) A 200-foot landscape and conservation buffer/easement shall be <br /> established along the all other property perimeters. NG "onotati„r, Within <br /> this area shall be disc Fbed. The entire forest canopy shall be actively <br /> maintained and managed at all height levels as a semi-opaque, <br /> intermittent visual buffer. Land use buffers may be modified to improve <br /> their appearance, functions and overall condition. Permitted modifications <br /> may include reforestation, woodland management, landscape <br /> enhancement, or stream buffer protection. 3 <br /> (E) Existing and proposed signage shall comply with Section 6.12 of this <br /> Ordinance. <br /> (F) The facility owner shall demonstrate compliance with Section 6.9 of this <br /> Ordinance and, specifically, complete the following: <br /> 'Language deleted by staff on June 5,2012—more specific explanation is detailed below. <br /> 2 Proposed language was confusing and did not properly incorporate suggestions from BOCC and <br /> Planning Board members. Staff has since revised the language in bold blue and underlined text to <br /> incorporate applicable comments and suggestions. The revised section also provides additional detail on <br /> the scope and intent of the required landscape area. <br /> s Red underlined text was added by staff after the April Planning Board meeting to address Planning <br /> Board and County Commissioner concerns over ensuring the perpetual maintenance of the perimeter <br /> buffer. <br />