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Chair Jacobs said that the only other change was to put "climate-controlled" in <br />parenthesis section B, number 1-f, to indicate that making the bus shelters climate-controlled <br />would be optional. <br />Lisa Stuckey said that she has concerns about installing climate-controlled shelters <br />because there has been a problem with other similar shelters in town having homeless people <br />move into them. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the revised Addendum B, with the changes as stated above related to moving all of the <br />parking standards into section A, number 1 (transportation standards related to the $1.9 million <br />smart growth requirements) and also with the indication that the parking should be completed in <br />one phase; and further in section B, number 1-f indicating that climate control of the bus <br />shelters would be optional. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he was going to second it because it is the right thing <br />to do for the children of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school system. Commissioner Carey yielded <br />to Commissioner Halkiotis' second. <br />There were two seconds (Commissioner Carey and Commissioner Halkiotis). <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Contract to Purchase the Adams TractlGrant of Conservation Easement From <br />Town of Carrboro to Orange CountyThe Board considered the joint purchase of the Adams <br />property (approximately 27 acres) with the Town of Carrboro and considered the acceptance of <br />a conservation easement from the Tawn of Carrboro. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that they have <br />worked with the Town of Carrboro over the last year on this purchase along Bolin Creek where it <br />intersects with the rail line and Estes Drive Extension. The Adams Tract is adjacent to the <br />Town's Wilson Park and would be the point where the Bolin Creek Greenway would crass into <br />Carrboro and continue from there. It has been used widely over the years as a trail connector. <br />The planned use for the tract is for low-impact recreation with trails and benches. The owners <br />have agreed to sell 27 acres of the property (minus the house and the three-acre plot around <br />the house) far a purchase price of $1,55Q,QQQ. The original asking price was $2 million. The <br />Town of Carrboro will share equally in the cost of the purchase and would be the owner of the <br />property and assigned the contract. Orange County's interest in the property would be <br />represented through a conservation easement. The State will also hold a conservation <br />easement on six acres and provided a Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant to the Town. <br />Closing is expected to occur no later than September 3Qt". The Orange County funding for the <br />property would come from the 2QQ1 parks and open space bond. Additional funds of $25- <br />3Q,QQQ would be needed and could come from Lands Legacy bond funds. <br />The Town of Carrboro adopted the resolution last night and they approved the financing <br />piece. The Town is interested in locking in lower interest rates on the property and they are <br />asking for approval of the contract prior to tomorrow so that they can make a Local Government <br />Commission deadline for financing in July. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Chair Jacobs for highlighting this as a significant <br />accomplishment for this year. He thanked Rich Shaw and Dave Stancil for trying to preserve <br />and protect the environment. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 19 regarding timber harvest and said <br />that she would feel mare comfortable if the statement, "and for firewood and construction of <br />permitted improvements in the easement area and fences that may be located in the easement <br />area" were not in the easement agreement. She would like to remove the rest of the sentence <br />after "property damage." <br />