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said that they are having a meeting on Monday at 10:00 a.m. that was set up by NCDOT. The <br />Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of County Commissioners were invited, as well as Carrboro's <br />staff and mayor to talk about the Smith Level Road design process. He said that there is <br />$250,000 worth of road improvements that might be required of the school system that perhaps <br />could be avoided if they can synchronize with DOT's improvements of Smith Level Road. There <br />was also some savings regarding reduced parking spaces. He said that, if timing works out, <br />even the $300,000 could be recaptured by the school system through other means. <br />John Link made reference to the enclosed weatherproof shelter and said that their <br />assumption is that the $1.9 million would address the items under addendum B on pages 29-33. <br />They are assuming that, as construction proceeds, that they will get reports back from the <br />school system on how they have met site standards, etc. He assumes the school system would <br />address what type of shelter would be built and how it would fit into the overall plan. <br />Lisa Stuckey said that it is hard to respond to something that she only received this <br />evening. She said that they would be grateful to move forward and nail down which items are <br />under agreement. She hopes a process would be developed quickly to move forward with the <br />items in addendum B. She said that she could not speak on behalf of the board regarding the <br />parking because they have not discussed it. She said that the proposal on page 81 would be a <br />way to resolve the parking concerns. She said that 80 spaces would create a barrier to hiring <br />teachers. <br />Assistant Superintendent Steve Scroggs made reference to page 81 and said that they <br />have already reduced parking and this would be a good platform to start with. He said that they <br />would continue with the design and make sure that space is available to be able to put these <br />spaces in. They have to have the land allocated to put them in, but they do not have to pave <br />them in the design process. They can always remove it. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Craig Benedict what he was recommending regarding parking <br />spaces. Craig Benedict said that he was recommending what is on page 81. It is less than <br />what the school system originally asked for. He said that even though he was suggesting only <br />reducing the amount of parking spaces by 18.4%, they could reduce the impervious area by <br />35% by making parking spaces shorter. This would still meet the intent of addendum B. <br />Geof Gledhill suggested moving all of the parking standards into section A, number 1 of <br />the blue draft, and setting the total amount of parking at 35°~ reduction in impervious surface <br />and a maximum of 420 spaces to be allocated among students and staff as the school system <br />thinks is appropriate <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to take all of the parking standards and <br />move them into section A, number 1 (transportation standards} of the blue draft, and base the <br />way to proceed on the Orange County Planning Department document on page 81 of the <br />materials far this decision item; section A is the section related to the $1.9 million smart growth <br />requirements. <br />Chair Jacobs clarified that the way the language could be incorporated into section A <br />was to eliminate number 1 {transportation standards} of section B on page 16 of the blue draft, <br />and move the language into number 1 (transportation standards) of section A on page 14 of the <br />blue draft, so that section A transportation standards would now specify that the design would <br />provide preferred parking for carpools and alternative vehicles and reduce parking lot size and <br />its associated impervious surfaces by 35% from Orange County school construction standards, <br />and provide na more than 420 parking spaces for use by students, staff, and visitors. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the only question is whether to do it in phases. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it would be easier to do it all in one phase. Steve Scroggs said <br />that it would be a financial benefit to do it in one phase. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed that it should be done in one phase, and the <br />Commissioners agreed that all the parking should be included in one phase. <br />