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Commissioner Gordon: When it says on the top of page two, the public hearing can be <br />conducted on all items at once, and then there was same place here that said that LGC didn't <br />want us to take action too far ahead of time. Does that mean, though, that if we approve this, <br />we would have basically done all that we need to do short of going to the LGC on these other <br />projects? <br />Ken Chavious: That's right, your actions that you're taking tonight authorize me to go <br />ahead and proceed, and we will not have to come back and have another public hearing on the <br />alternative financing, for instance. <br />Commissioner Gordon: So the staff, when the time comes, can just carry it forward? <br />Ken Chaviaus: That's correct. The resolution is written and I mentioned that it is an <br />amount not to exceed $15 million on the alternative financing. If one of these projects advances <br />ahead of time, and we need to come back and do a private placement instead of waiting until <br />LGC approval, that can be accomplished in 60 days and the LGC has indicated that they would <br />work with us to get that accomplished if our cash needs stipulate so. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis seconded by Commissioner Carey to (a) <br />adopt the bond order for $3.9 million public building bonds, (b) adopt Bond Order for $300,000 <br />bonds for land acquisition, (c) adopt the resolution directing the Clerk to publish notice of <br />adoption of bond orders, (d) adopt the resolution providing for the sale of general obligation <br />bands, and (e) adopt the resolution providing final approval for the County's installment <br />financings. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Ken Chavious: I will report to you the results of the bond sale that we are having on July <br />loth. <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Proposed Addendum B to the Interlocal Agreement on CHCCS High School #3 <br />The Board further discussed and considered approval of a proposed addendum to the <br />interlocal agreement that became effective on August 7, 2003 regarding the planned third <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools {CHCCS) high school and provided appropriate direction to <br />staff regarding the outstanding transportation-related issues. <br />John Link said that earlier in the spring the Board referred Addendum B to the Carrboro <br />Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen expressed their opinions about the design and <br />various issues regarding the new high school. He said that if the Board could adopt the <br />proposal or a revised version of it, then everyone would be able to move forward. The County's <br />estimate on what is still not agreed upon is $300,000. The County Commissioners and the <br />school board are in agreement with the $1.9 million. <br />Rod Visser said that last summer the Board of County Commissioners and CHCCS <br />reached an interlocal agreement and terms for development of high school #3, but there was a <br />stipulation about smart growth principles and an additional $2.2 million could be added to the <br />budget if the smart growth principles were carried out. The Manager's recommendation is that <br />$1.9 million of the $2.2 million be allocated to the project, which would increase the budget. <br />The $300,000 relates to transportation particularly. He asked Geof Gledhill to review the <br />addendum. <br />