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Libbie Hough, a member of the Orange County School Board, made reference to the last <br />page and the recommendation, item C, either reduction of the impervious surface to 12°~ or less <br />before final staff approval. She said that pervious concrete is a basic mix of coarse aggregate, <br />cement, and water, and little to no sand. This mixture creates an open cell structure that allows <br />storm water to filter through to underlying soils. It also helps to break dawn pollutants such as <br />oil and other hydrocarbon liquids, which are in parked cars. It also returns the runoff to the <br />surrounding area. Therefore, there is less need for irrigation. Pervious concrete has a much <br />higher degree of reflection than darker pavements and lighter surfaces can translate into energy <br />savings. The EPA currently recognizes pervious concrete as a best management practice as <br />far as dealing with storm water runoff. She thinks this is something to look into to address one <br />of the concerns of the Planning Board. She said that they are trying to be very conscientious of <br />the environment. She said that when the architects came to speak to the school board, they <br />very purposefully asked how they could increase the acreage of trees to be saved out of respect <br />for Kathy Buck's and Ken Moore's concerns. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Craig Benedict said that Administration recommends that the applicants have met the <br />specific standards and findings of fact and the general standards. The Administration would <br />recommend that the Board include conditions 1-14 (pp. 23-26), and a 15t" condition suggested <br />by Commissioner Brown about looking into a conservation easement. The Administration <br />recommends approval of the class A special use permit. <br />Geof Gledhill said that another condition should be added regarding moving the road to <br />the County owned property because it was not in the original plan. Craig Benedict said that <br />another sentence could be added onto condition #5 to accomplish this. Chair Jacobs <br />suggested changing the wording to "shall be located." Ken Redfoot concurred with this. <br />Geof Gledhill made reference to the condition regarding the conservation easement and <br />suggested the following language: "Provide Orange County or a suitable conservation non- <br />profit organization with a conservation easement, the terms and conditions of which to be <br />agreed upon by Orange County or the conservation non-profit organization and the Orange <br />County Board of Education." <br />Chair Jacobs suggested four words at the end of the statement by Geof Gledhill: "as <br />shall be appropriate." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to follow the Planning Board <br />recammendation and find in the negative for landscape design (article 8.8.30 an page 16) and <br />on harmony with the area (article 8.2.1 on page 22). <br />Motion failed far lack of a second. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to accept Administration's recammendation and find in the affirmative for all <br />findings. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve conditions 1-14 as set forth in the attached Resolution of Approval <br />with amended language in number 5 to say that the eastern drive "shall be" located, and <br />the addition of the conservation easement condition as read by the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />