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and findings made with the special use permit. The Planning Board found positive on 49 of <br />them, a no vote on one of them, and on the three general findings, they found negative on one <br />of them. The pink sheet explains how the seven issues were addressed. Administration <br />recommends that this application meet the general and specific findings in a favorable manner. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the Planning Board recommended denial of the special <br />use permit. Craig Benedict said yes and that the denial was based on the one finding that the <br />school is not in harmony with the area. He said that same of the Planning Board members had <br />more concern about the economic development district than the school. This is reflected in the <br />minutes. They think the EDD, in which the school is located, should be a mixed use. <br />Ken Redfoot was sworn in by the Clerk. <br />Ken Redfoot with Corley, Redfoot, and Zack (architects for the school} thanked the <br />Board for allowing them to provide additional information. He made reference to the exhibits <br />(handouts} that was additional evidence. He said that the school's location has been carefully <br />considered within the context of the comprehensive plan on a site located at the southern edge <br />of the EDD. He spoke about the previous evidence from the May 24t" public hearing. The first <br />exhibit was about the existing tree lines. He showed how they were going to save as many <br />trees on this site as possible. <br />Also, on each plan, the environmentally sensitive areas have been shown and are <br />protected. They feel that they have been responsible to the environmental components, and in <br />every case, have left the areas undisturbed. There will be 23.7 acres of woods remaining on <br />this middle school site. They think this is quite an accomplishment. He made reference to the <br />pine tree damage and said that the majority of the woods taken out will be damaged pine tree <br />areas. <br />Ken Redfoot said that they wanted to provide evidence to show the traffic and safety <br />concerns and proposed improvements far the roadway. In this plan, they have added the <br />context of the neighborhood and they are showing the development of the turn lanes required <br />for traffic and safety. These roadway improvements answer the issues of the traffic impact <br />statements and will be approved by NCD~T. <br />Item #2 is the pros and cons of siting the fields. The safety and security issues related <br />to the plan are that the fields will be a safe distance from West Ten Road, located in a tight <br />grouping that provides visual monitoring for safety purposes, the gymnasium is in close <br />proximity for safe access and handicapped access, and the arrangements of the fields and the <br />roadways leading to the fields provide easy access for emergency vehicles. The fields are also <br />located away from the road and the school so that any disruptive activities would not provide <br />noise problems for ongoing classes. Also, there is potential for a good connection back to the <br />soccer complex. <br />Item #3 shows how they begin to bring in smart design alternatives. This is evidenced <br />by the joint use of the road and the connection of the fields, pathways, and roads. <br />Item #4 is the consideration of draining the pond which had been constructed on the site <br />previously. The school board looked at the pond as being an amenity to the site, but questions <br />arose about whether it should be drained. They did an analysis that shows the steps taken to <br />drain the pond. If it were drained, they would have to have NCDENR come out and they would <br />have to relocate all the fish, drain the pond, and then have another visit from the representatives <br />to determine if a stream has formed. There could be a stream or a branch that would need to <br />be protected also. If the pond were drained, all of the land would not necessarily be usable. <br />Item #5 is that the field location should be considered on adjacent County awned <br />property. He thinks that the presentation of the soccer complex clearly shows that in terms of <br />where the fields relate to the school. <br />Item #6 is the merged lanes and turn lanes and NCDOT approved highway <br />documentation. <br />