Orange County NC Website
Whereas, Orange County policy and the 1999 Joint Master Recreation and Parks Work Group <br />Report had identified the interconnection of Town greenways with rural open space networks as <br />a high priority, including the proposed Northern Chapel Hill Township Rustic Woodland Trail <br />connector; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County Board of Commissioners authorized a total of $1.75 million for <br />Joint Town/County Open Space in the bond for these purposes; and <br />Whereas, the 2001 Parks and Open Space Bond was approved by voters; and <br />Whereas, the Board of Commissioners and Chapel Hill Town Council have agreed upon a <br />collaborative planning process far joint County/Town projects in the 2001 band through the work <br />of a joint Park Planning Committee {PPC}; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County-Chapel Hill PPC has recommended that work begin on the <br />engineering, design, and eventual construction of the next phase of the Bolin Creek Greenway <br />in Chapel Hill, from Airport Road to Estes Drive Extension, and that the $1.0 million in County <br />band funds for Chapel Hill greenways projects be appropriated for this project in conjunction <br />with $2.0 million of Town funds; and <br />Whereas, the Town of Chapel Hill plans to initiate the project using $100,000 of Town funds for <br />the initial phase of the engineering and design study; <br />Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners agrees to the <br />selection of the Bolin Creek Greenway expansion as the project for use of County bond funds <br />far greenways in Chapel Hill. <br />Be it further resolved that the County will make its portion of the funding available far this <br />project, contingent on like funding from the Town as identified above, available in accord with <br />the Board's Debt Issuance Schedule. <br />This, the 23rd day of June 2004. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Jacobs asked if Chapel Hill's policy regarding 1 °~ going to public art applies to its <br />greenways. Dave Stancil said that he did not know. It is his understanding that it applies to <br />parks and open space projects. <br />7. Special Presentations <br />a. West Ten Soccer Park Concept Plan Process and Update on Biddincl <br />Procedures <br />The Board considered apre-concept plan for the soccer park planned for the Euliss <br />property (working title West Ten Soccer Park); and authorizing the Purchasing Director to work <br />with Orange County Schools {OCS}; and our mutual consultant, Corley Redfoot Zack (CRZ) to: <br />1) determine the mast appropriate method of bidding the soccer park element of the project <br />concurrently with OCS; 2) to approve the issuance of the bid for the pre-grading (earthwork} <br />