Minutes - 20040617
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040617
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Agenda - 06-17-2004
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Commissioner Halkiotis said that the possibility of co-locating a library with the proposed <br />community college site is exciting. He asked if there were any others in North Carolina. Brenda <br />Stephens said yes, there is one in Vance County but it is very small. In Charlotte, there is a <br />combination of a public library and UNC-Charlotte's library, but it is different. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if this had to be part of the community college or if it could be in a <br />building adjacent to it. He said that this would be a powerful tool to bring the community into the <br />educational extension piece. He wants it to be meaningful and to have some substance to it. <br />He thinks there should be an agreement upfront. <br />Commissioner Brown would like to see the option that becomes a place for another new library <br />in Orange County. <br />A motion was made by Cammissianer Halkiotis, seconded by Cammissianer Brown to approve <br />$4,000 to hire a consultant to study the option of collocating a library in Orange County with the <br />Durham Tech satellite campus in Orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the Orange County Alternative Sentencing <br />recommendation from the Manager. He asked about the $8,000 increase that they requested. <br />He knows that this program saves the Sheriff and the County space in the jail. This is the <br />program where people who are arrested can get out on supervised release before they are <br />actually tried or sentenced. He knows it is important to support this program. He wants to make <br />sure that the recommendation will not hurt this program. John Link said that they would <br />respond to that an Monday night. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that next time the staff should sort the chart alphabetically <br />since that would make the presentation much easier to follow. <br />Sharon Hinton came forward to answer Commissioner Corey's question about the $8,000 and <br />how it would impact this program if it were not funded. Sharon Hinton said that this is for <br />continuation of operating expenses. They lost some state funding. The County is giving <br />$12,000, which covers the lass of state funding from last year. This does not address the <br />increase. She is not aware that the recommendation will not adversely affect this program. The <br />staff will double-check this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for the staff to find out how many people have been diverted from <br />the jail as a result of this program. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about Family First on page 8-21. Sharon Hinton answered that it is a <br />program funded through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, which is part of the Justice <br />Partnership. They provide services to juveniles. The funding from the County is matching <br />dollars. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for the total list of all of the budget cuts coming out of Raleigh <br />that the County is being asked to pick up. He thinks this is important to explain to people. <br />4. Fire District Funding <br />
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