ORD-2001-011 Non-residential Approval Procedure for Subdivision, Zoning and Economic Development Ordinance Amendments
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2001-011 Non-residential Approval Procedure for Subdivision, Zoning and Economic Development Ordinance Amendments
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Last modified
7/24/2012 9:45:21 AM
Creation date
6/11/2012 4:33:14 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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FEBRUARY 7, 2001 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES 9 <br />1 AGENDA ITEM #9: MATTERS HEARD AT PUBLIC HEARING 12/12/00 <br />2 <br />3 a. EDD Non - Residential Subdivision Amendment <br />4 <br />5 Benedict made the presentation. <br />6 <br />7 At this time in the EDDs, there are no minimum lot sizes. Based on the amendments, there will be minimum <br />8 lot sizes and requirements that the access is limited to the major roadways. <br />9 <br />10 b. EDD/Text Amendments <br />11 (1) Creation of ED -LO -1 District <br />12 <br />13 The new zoning district would be known as Economic Development - Limited Office- 1 District. This is a <br />14 very low intensity district that the County or Hillsborough could use to assign to properties. The rezoning of <br />15 the property 3a and 3b would eliminate the existing zoning categories and assign the limited office district. <br />16 Some of the uses in areas 3a and 3b would then be non - conforming. The uses can continue as normal, but <br />17 there are some criteria. If someone wants to rezone from limited office to another use, they will probably <br />18 come to the County for a planned development and a special use permit. These standards are very elaborate. <br />19 The purpose of the EDD task force was to have good presentation at the entranceway into Hillsborough (two <br />20 I -85 access points and I -40 access point). <br />21 <br />22 c. EDD Design Manual (Abridged Version) Amendment <br />23 <br />24 The design manual handles two parts - design standards and special use standards. The moratorium on the <br />25 700 acres in the EDD will expire on April 18`h. The revised manual will be in effect at that time. <br />26 <br />27 The task force will now evolve into an EDD Transportation Task Force. They will be addressing issues such <br />28 as the possibility of bypasses in and around Hillsborough to take the stress off of Churton Street. The task <br />29 force will meet over the next seven months to come up with a joint Orange County and Hillsborough <br />30 recommendation to the Metropolitan Planning Organization in Durham. The task force is looking for a <br />31 representative from the Planning Board to serve. <br />32 <br />33 The staff needs a recommendation from the Planning Board to adopt the new subdivision standards, create <br />34 the new limited office district, adopt the new design manual, and recommend rezoning 3a and -3b to ED -LO- <br />35 1 district. <br />36 <br />37 Several clarifying questions about the rezoning were answered satisfactorily by Benedict. <br />38 <br />39 Schofield asked if there had been any discussion about an EDD architectural review board to address <br />40 continuity. Benedict said that the unabridged version of the EDD manual had a format for development, but <br />41 no Commission or Planning Board approval. The new process involves a legislative process, allowing for <br />42 input from the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners. He said that architectural <br />43 guidelines could be implemented in the legislative process. <br />44 <br />45 Schofield asked if there had been any conversation about an affordable housing component as a required <br />46 provision for this area. He said that an affordable housing component would make sense in this area because <br />47 it would be in immediate proximity to services and transportation. Benedict said that an affordable housing <br />48 component has been discussed. He said that the density of housing in this area would be able to <br />49 accommodate multi - family and affordable housing. Affordable housing will not be addressed in the manual, <br />50 but with a separate affordable housing policy. <br />51 <br />
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