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Commissioner Carey said that it is premature to make that conclusion. Chair Jacobs agreed. <br />He thinks there is a plan, but it is not necessarily a smart growth plan. He does not think the <br />facilities can share very easily. He thinks there is too much parking. He made reference to the <br />track location and said that there is no way that it could be incorporated into park use. <br />Commissioner Brown asked how many playing fields were put into the school site. Dave Stancil <br />answered that there are four fields. <br />John Link said that he was not directly involved in the conversations, but his observation is that <br />it has been a little confusing to him regarding smart growth principles and actual construction <br />standards. He thinks it would be helpful for the Board to articulate how the construction <br />standards now have additional criteria regarding smart growth. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the schools should be commended for what they are doing with their <br />buildings. However, the DPI standards should be abandoned because they are considered <br />wasteful of land. The understanding from the collaboration meetings was that they would talk <br />about this. He said that it is clear that our construction standards are based on this <br />anachronistic model. He said that this is property that the County owns, so if they want to <br />model a behavior, this is a good opportunity. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that these two schools were on 44 acres and the third middle schaol <br />in Orange County was going to be on 41 acres. She asked how one was smart growth and one <br />was not. She does not want to hold up the Orange County middle school, but these questions <br />need to be answered. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the difference was that the Twin Creeks site, unlike the Efland site, has a <br />highly developed public transportation system that can serve the site, and it has an updated <br />land use plan that calls for intense urban style development. The two sites are not exactly <br />comparable. <br />Commissioner Brown said that if the track is supposed to be a public access, the public would <br />have to park at the school to be able to access it. She had hoped that the track would be on the <br />park site so that the children could walk down and use it. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that 20 years ago a design team would be hired and would present <br />a design and there would be a vote on it. Now, there is an input process and everybody has <br />input. This takes longer. He said that once schaol people take aver a facility, it is aver and <br />there is no public purpose. This is true with all school systems. He is not sure you can ever <br />arrive at a perfect model. <br />Commissioner Carey said that there are same of the Manager's recommendations that can <br />proceed tonight. The footprints can be moved around. The open house public input meetings <br />can also proceed. <br />Chair Jacobs asked John Link if the County has ever received a letter from CHCCS indicating <br />when the 10th elementary school would be needed. Jahn Link said that, as part of the SAPFO, <br />he thought it was in 2007-08. <br />Craig Benedict said that the SAPFO identifies what year the elementary school level would be <br />over capacity; however, sometimes it changes. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Carey. He asked about the open house meetings and <br />if they could try some different permutations with Lori Taft, Dave Stancil, and Craig Benedict. <br />