Orange County NC Website
With regard to accounting for animals on July 1St, he is concerned with the inadequate <br />record keeping at APS. He requested it several months ago, but he has been unable to obtain <br />an accounting of where each APS animal is. He fears that without proper intervention, the <br />County will not have an accounting on July 1St. He has these skills, and he has offered to help. <br />He does not believe that anyone at the County is skilled in the use of the new Chameleon <br />software, although APS was supposed to start using it two years ago. He is still eager to help <br />when he gets back from vacation if he is asked. <br />Pat Sanford said that she has been out of the loop these past few weeks because of a <br />hospice situation in their home. She was told this afternoon that the shelter would hold animals <br />that are through their holding period on June 30th until the new APS kennel is finished. She <br />asked the Board to please rethink this. The worst possible road for the new shelter plan to take <br />is to warehouse animals. This is what has caused the problems over the last two years - <br />warehousing is crudely inhumane. The shelter will be forced to euthanize animals coming into <br />keep those promised to the APS. Also, overcrowding will cause increased disease. It also <br />shows that the APS is not changing its views on warehousing and shows its disregard for these <br />animals and the shelter. If the AP5 wants the animals available on June 30th, an agreement <br />should be made with them that they will follow standards set forth by the County and HSUS and <br />that they must board the animals elsewhere so this matter will not impact shelter animals in July <br />and August and perhaps longer. She said that one of the reasons that there might be a delay in <br />the APS shelter is that the kennels themselves were designed to be only three feet wide. They <br />should at least be four feet wide. <br />Jim Dooley was representing the Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce far Hillsborough <br />Hog Day #22, which is June 18-19. He thanked the County for cooperating. He said that they <br />are heavily into recycling. <br />b. Matters an the Printed Agenda <br />(These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br />below.} <br />3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Gordon said that before this meeting, the Board discussed the Twin Creeks site, <br />which is off of Eubanks Road and old NC 86. There was a Work Group of over 20 people that <br />participated in the planning of the park and the school site. The group made its report last June <br />and the County Commissioners received it December 2003 and today, the Board had its first <br />serious discussion. She said that the meeting was not televised, so she wanted the public to <br />know what happened. She read the motion as follows: "consider setting an open house/public <br />input session (to be held in late-August orearly-September}; and authorize staff to prepare an <br />evaluation of the eventual water and sewer use by the different portions of the site; and ask the <br />schools far a written timetable far proposed construction of an elementary school and what <br />infrastructure issues they have; and engage Chapel Hill Transit in some preliminary discussions <br />of how to get service to this site; and develop some scenarios in time for the public session for <br />alternatives that attempt to address some of the shared use and smart growth concerns <br />expressed by the Board; and submit to the school boards the smart growth principles for <br />comment; and consider the timetable of activities and potential phasing of the park, authorizing <br />staff to prepare revisions to the master plan and the application for review and eventual <br />submittal to Carrboro for phase I." She said that she was disappointed that this has taken so <br />long. She was further disappointed by the Board's action since the school site is going to be <br />reworked and not forwarded to CHCCS yet. She said that she brought up at the meeting that <br />two CHCCS schools were being put on the 44 acres and the Board wants to delay to see if <br />smart growth principles can be applied. On the other hand, the property for the third middle <br />