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He made reference to the Northern Human Services Center on page 17. This is <br /> consistent with what is in the current CIP. The Board has seen this and reviewed options in <br /> January. The $2 million in FY 14-15 is the cost of constructing a new building. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that, as they talk about this facility, he would like to please <br /> keep the citizens in this area abreast of what the Board of County Commissioners is talking <br /> about in reference to this facility. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he assumes that there will be a public meeting in this <br /> area to comment on the proposed changes to this facility. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that the citizens at the last meeting were not aware that <br /> they could speak about this item <br /> Department of Environment, Agriculture, and Parks and Recreation Director Dave <br /> Stancil said that there will be a meeting March 19th to talk about this facility. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he hoped that the Efland/Cheeks Community Center <br /> would be a part of the space analysis because it is the sentiment of the community that this <br /> space is too smalL <br /> Seymour Center: <br /> Paul Laughton said that there is consideration of installing a permanent generator here. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there was a bid out for this. There is a business called <br /> Power Solutions in Efland that sells solar generators. <br /> Pam Jones said that she is aware of Power Solutions and it is one of the go-to vendors. <br /> This building was built as a generator-ready building and they will be looking at new technology. <br /> Clarifying questions of the County Commissioners were answered by Pam Jones. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the County Commissioners have had to compete for <br /> use of this meeting room at Southern Human Services Center and he hoped that when they did <br /> a study on this campus, that they would find out who is actually using the parking lot and if it is <br /> being used for park and ride purposes, which is not what it is supposed to be used for. Before <br /> more parking is added, he would like to know who is using the existing parking. <br /> Paul Laughton continued going through the various projects. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked Paul Laughton to put a footnote that any sale of <br /> future buildings will go toward a particular project. <br /> Southwest Library: <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the process of developing criteria for siting and <br /> designing the southwest library. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she sent a letter to the Town of Carrboro stating that nothing <br /> else would be done until hearing back from the Town of Carrboro, and there has been no <br /> response. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he has heard that the Town of Carrboro is trying to form a <br /> committee of Aldermen members to review the siting criteria, but nothing has come back to the <br /> Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that it would be nice to have some timeline or a timely <br /> response from the Town of Carrboro on this process and maybe they could work with the <br /> Mayor. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she would call the Mayor and ask what the plans are. <br /> Commissioner McKee saicl that he sees a link between the funding for the Chapel Hill <br /> Library and the Southwest Branch Library. He would like to have this discussion before <br /> discussing the design plans and siting for a Southwest Branch Library. <br />