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authorize the bidding of the project in late spring 2005 {the portion of the project <br />necessary to serve the middle school could then be completed by late summer of <br />2006). <br />Commissioner Brown said that she is in favor of providing water and sewer to this <br />community. Regarding providing it to the EDD, she said that there are some policy issues that <br />have never been clear to her. She has always been concerned about expansion of Efland <br />water and sewer without ever having done a small area plan. She also does not want to use <br />Orange County money to provide water and sewer for businesses. <br />Chair Jacobs said that on page two, there is some discussion about the small area plan. <br />The Planning Director has assured that this would begin shortly. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the water and sewer boundary should be put in before <br />there is a small area plan. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the boundary line has been put in. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the Board decided that this was not sustainable and that <br />they were going to review the size of the boundary so that it did not become a sprawl area. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested having staff develop a set of criteria for the small area plan to <br />address. <br />John Link suggested adding a bullet that, "The Board further instructs staff to pursue the <br />following levels of activity to address the land use and funding issues concurrent with the <br />development of the project design and permitting," and then incorporate the last paragraph {the <br />second level of activity). At the bottom of the paragraph, he added, "specifically added to staff <br />activity is to address the water and sewer boundary questions raised by the County <br />Commissioners as well as the actions on the part of the potential County involvement in funding <br />based on future public health emergencies or other community concerns." <br />Chair Jacobs asked that the small area plan aspect be added to that. John Link did not <br />mean to exclude that. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with the policy paints that Commissioner Brown pointed <br />out. She thinks she can live with the language from Jahn Link. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis amended his motion to include the Manager's language above. <br />Commissioner Carey also accepted. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Jacobs asked to get a report from Orange-Alamance on water allocations that they <br />have secured since they last spoke two years ago and if there are any new plans. <br />Commissioner Halkitois left the meeting at 2:45p.m.. <br />c. Proposed Modification of Hillsborough DroughtlVNater Conservation Ordinance <br />The Board considered review and comments on information related to proposed <br />revisions to the Town of Hillsborough DroughtlWater Conservation Ordinance and direct staff as <br />to comments to be directed to the Town. <br />Paul Thames said that they have ordinance language from the Town of Hillsborough to <br />change the drought ordinance to comply with a recommendation from the Town's Water and <br />Sewer Advisory Committee. Page 19 has a brief synopsis of the changes. The Town of <br />Hillsborough has requested that the County Commissioners review the recommendations and <br />make comments either directly or through staff. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Brown, John Link made reference to page <br />two and the second full paragraph. This explains the impact of the new Town ordinance. <br />