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Geof Gledhill said that there is a provision in the section an project completion that <br />allows for an extension of time. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she was not interested in doing away with all timelines, <br />but the original objective was to be able to purchase land quickly and then the development part <br />could take longer so the non-profit could develop a good plan. <br />Discussion ensued about the time land should be held. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he did not like the idea of allowing non-profits to hold land <br />in perpetuity because it is taxpayers' money. The taxpayers should see some results and five <br />years is plenty of time. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to joining upwith afor-profit and said that the <br />University claimed to be providing affordable housing, but they came to the County to ask for a <br />subsidy for the affordability. This is on page two under Eligible Applicants. She said that this <br />needs to be reviewed in light of this experience. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested having the Affordable Housing Advisory Board look at it to see if <br />there should be some kind of cap on what the County would contribute in partnership with a <br />private development entity in terms of subsidy. <br />Discussion ensued on how to handle the inclusion of for-profits. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Board would not have to approve every affordable <br />housing project that came in. The Board can say no. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed that no group should hold land in perpetuity and that five <br />years is long enough. He said that it is reasonable to have the advisory board look at this one <br />more time. <br />Allen Rosen from the Affordable Housing Advisory Board said that they bumped up the <br />land banking to five years. They also heard from the County Commissioners that the land <br />banking should be longer. The advisory board felt that five years was enough time, but that the <br />final decision is with the County Commissioners. The time can be extended according to the <br />provisions. He said that they have initiated asemi-annual reporting process and they will be <br />keeping the County Commissioners aware of land that is being acquired. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he heard from the Board that the section anfar-profits should be <br />clarified by the advisory board. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey to approve the revised Affordable Housing <br />Bond Policy, along with the amendments made by the County Commissioners above. <br />Geof Gledhill suggested adding words that Tara Fikes mentioned for page three, "After <br />the PRS Committee has completed application review, and the applicant will have the <br />opportunity to discuss the application with the committee and before the committee makes its <br />recommendation." <br />Commissioner Carey said that he would incorporate this into his motion. Chair Jacobs <br />seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would vote for this, but she thinks that it does not <br />protect the public's interest fully and that it is flawed in its practical application. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. <br />The <br />extension mapping} that will: 1}define the boundaries and scope of work for the design portion <br />of the project that will extend sewer to the area of Efland defined by the 1997 sewer bond and <br />extend water and sewer to the Buckhorn Economic Development District (EDD)/community; and <br />2) authorize staff to solicit Requests for Proposals for the consultants that will provide the <br />surveying, engineering and master planning services for the project. <br />