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Commissioner Brown asked about Durham City schools and if they have changed to bio- <br />diesel. Commissioner Halkiotis said that they have had mixed reviews about the smell of it. <br />They did receive the grant, but they have not received payment of the grant yet. <br />Dave Stancil said that some of the grants are on a rebate schedule. He said that the <br />down side is that it costs about 30°lo higher. The up side is that it serves as a lubricant, so it <br />enhances the maintenance possibilities of the equipment. <br />Chair Jacobs said that, instead of coming from the Commissioners' contingency, it could <br />be budgeted as a specific item if the grant is received. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if any hybrid vehicles could be purchased for the County <br />besides the ones for public safety. John Link said that the state contract allows the Honda Civic <br />hybrid. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for a small group to be set up within County government <br />to make same recommendations to purchase some hybrid vehicles. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />authorize staff to submit a grant application in the amount of $25,000 to the Triangle Clean <br />Cities Coalition Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Incentives. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />$. Public Hearings -none <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Housing Bond Policy Revisions <br />The Board considered approval of a revised Affordable Housing Bond Policy. <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes summarized the information <br />in the agenda abstract. She highlighted the revisions on pages three and four. Also, page nine <br />addresses the land banking policy. Approval of these revisions will allow the County to begin <br />the land-banking program, where there is $260,000 in fiscal year 2001 monies set aside for this <br />program. <br />Commissioner Carey asked some clarifying questions, which were answered by Tara <br />Fikes. <br />Commissioner Gordon made a correction, which was noted by Tara Fikes. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out that there are members of the Affordable Housing Advisory <br />Baard in attendance. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about having a building permit within five years. She said <br />that this was not long for land banking. She asked if it was the intent of the group to get things <br />going within three years and Tara Fikes said yes. Tara Fikes said that there was interest in <br />being sure that the land was used within a reasonable amount of time. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she thinks land banking should be 10 years or more. <br />She does not agree with this short period of time. To her, land banking means that you put it in <br />the bank and save it until other people down the road can use it accordingly. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if Commissioner Brawn was talking about differentiating projects <br />that the County Commissioners initiate, which have no time limit, and those that were initiated <br />by other groups. He believes that all of the County Commissioners said that they wanted the <br />non-profits to have to do something and that they should not hold onto land indefinitely. <br />Commissioner Brown said that, at the end of the five years, if the non-profit did not have a goad <br />idea for it, then it would go back to the County. She thinks people need at least this amount of <br />time to come up with a good proposal. <br />