Minutes - 20040524
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040524
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Commissioner Gordon read from the first page which stated the problems with an LCWF such <br />as igniting underground and above ground fires, environmental contamination, filling of drainage <br />ways, increased truck traffic on rural roads, and dumping of materials other than land clearing <br />waste. She said that the Planning Department has had a lot of trouble getting one elderly <br />gentleman to get rid of his junk. She is not sure how this would work successfully. She is <br />especially concerned about the dumping of materials other than land clearing waste. She said <br />that it may be that a larger lot size could be required and that these LCWF sites should not be <br />allowed in the higher density residential areas, including the Rural Buffer. She said that this is a <br />potential nightmare and she feels really uncomfortable about it. <br />Barry Katz asked about the organic material and if it had to be ground up. Robert Davis said <br />that it could not stay over ground for more than 30 days. <br />Barry Katz said that he is concerned about the amount of truck traffic. There is a commercial <br />element that should not be mixing in with residential activities. He spoke about erosion and <br />grading. <br />Robert Davis distributed the pamphlets and said that there are stiff penalties an not following the <br />rules. <br />John Link said that the recommendation is to refer this to the Planning Board and they can <br />discuss it further at that time. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the process if a farmer fills his two acres and wanted to do <br />another one on another part of his property. Robert Davis said that they could subdivide and <br />create another tract and do it again, but they could not have more than one LCWF on one tract, <br />no matter how big it is. This is a State rule. <br />Hunter Schofield said that he has buried many trees on his property. He said that 10 acres, <br />which is the use value standard, is not that large and it may become a nuisance. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about setbacks to other properties. Robert Davis said that if it is <br />located more than 500 feet from adjacent roads or properties, there is no required buffer. If it is <br />closer, a 100-foot buffer is required. <br />Commissioner Brawn said that a lot more information is needed. This is not a farming activity, <br />but it is a way to make income. However, she said that she could not imagine how it would be a <br />good idea to allow these LCWF sites. She asked if there was a need for a lot more of these <br />landfills. Robert Davis said that there are active sites in the County and this is a way to get a <br />better hold on them. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordan to refer <br />the Proposed Amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the <br />Board of County Commissioners no sooner than August 17, 2004. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />E. ADJOURNMENT <br />
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