Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Halkiotis asked about CHCCS having a total CIP of $138 million with <br />10,600 students and many mare schools than Orange County and OCS has $211 million <br />in CIP. He thought it was $21.1 million. Donna Dean said that she would find out this <br />information. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he wants a listing of all the projects from both school <br />systems in their CIPs. Donna Dean said that the two CIPs were in a packet for each <br />County Commissioner. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for the complete list for future County facilities for $8.5 <br />million. <br />Donna Dean answered some clarifying questions for Commissioner Gordon <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to "Highlights of CHCCS Projects" and asked if they were <br />going to contribute $2.6 million from their capital funds to provide all utilities and <br />connector roads. Donna Dean said that this was included as an unfunded project. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked far Donna Dean to follow up with CHCCS on this issue. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for clarification an High School #3. Her understanding was <br />that the price was $27.8 million. She asked about the $30 million. Donna Dean said <br />that the high school #3 project would include the $2.2 million for smart growth, making <br />the total budget $30 million. <br />At this point, the County Commissioners took a short break <br />4. Presentation on the Proposed Development of Carolina North (Horace <br />Williams Property) <br />Chair Jacobs introduced Tony Waldrop, Vice Chancellor for Research and Development <br />at UNC, and Mark Crowell, Associate Chancellor for Economic Development. <br />Tony Waldrop and Mark Crowell made the following presentation. <br />CAROLINA NORTH <br />Conceptual Draft Master Plan May 2004 <br />AyerslSaintlGross - Stonebridge Associates - Martin/AlexioulBryson <br />MISSION STATEMENT <br />