Minutes - 20040518
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040518
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:23:39 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:22:17 PM
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Agenda - 05-18-2004-
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Agenda - 05-18-2004 - 9d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2004\Agenda - 05-18-2004
Agenda - 05-18-2004-5d Increase ABC Board Member and Board Chair Stipends
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Customer Relations Volunteer Manager, the Accounting Technician, and the Administration <br />Manager. Eight employees have indicated that they want to transfer to the County. These <br />include the Shelter Director, the Health Care Technician, the Office Assistant, the Animal <br />Control Officer, and four Animal Care Technicians. This does do not include the Animal <br />Services Director, which will be coming through the budget process. After establishing the <br />positions, the Board will be asked to amend the classification and pay plan to add the job <br />classifications for the shelter. The final action is to authorize several personnel policy actions to <br />facilitate the transfer from APS to the County of those employees who would be coming to the <br />County. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if Elaine Holmes was satisfied that these are the necessary <br />positions to run an operation that the County has never run before and if she was going to <br />review the positions before they become permanent. Elaine Holmes said that she is satisfied <br />that these are the needed positions effective July 1St in operating the shelter. In the first year, <br />they will be evaluating the number and type of animal technician staff that will be needed. <br />Chair Jacobs would like to have sufficient flexibility to adjust to a new function. He is <br />supportive of the proposal. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Chair Jacobs to approve <br />position, classification, pay and personnel policy actions necessary to implement the County <br />operation of the Animal Shelter effective July 1, 2004; amend the Orange County Classification <br />and Pay Plan as shown in Attachment 2 effective June 1, 2004; and authorize the Personnel <br />Director to take the Personnel policy actions in Item 4. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Authorization to Contract with Corley Redfoot Zack {CRZ] for Desicin Services <br />for West Ten Soccer Park <br />The Board considered authorizing a contract with Corley Redfoot Zack (CRZ} for design <br />services of the 34-acre West Ten Road Soccer Park; authorizing the preparation of an <br />appropriate agreement with CRZ, contingent upon staff and Attorney review; and authorizing the <br />Chair to sign. <br />The pink sheet was additional information. <br />Rod Visser said that Orange County acquired a 34-acre parcel several months ago <br />along with the Orange County Board of Education's acquisition of an adjacent parcel for the <br />third middle school. He said that this is a great opportunity far collaboration far the schools and <br />the County. There are also opportunities for cost savings such as earthwork, parking, access <br />roads, lighting, irrigation, etc. Other areas are listed on the pink sheet. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Corley Redfoot Zack is being very conservative on his <br />estimate. He reminded the Board that the University and CHCCS could not get their schedules <br />together for Smith Middle School and CHCCS had to spend another $100,000 for soil work. He <br />thinks item two is underestimated regarding the potential savings in balancing earthwork. He <br />hopes that Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson will look at this site because there is a significant <br />amount of leftover trees. He would like these to be recycled by chipping and used on both sites. <br />Pam Jones said that the statute that is stated in the abstract could exempt the Board <br />from the state-mandated process of selecting architects and engineers based on the <br />qualifications. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about page three and the third bullet. Rod Visser said that this is to <br />make sure that there is public input on this process. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there are a number of issues with building this soccer <br />complex in this area and she is concerned about this particular location. She is in favor of <br />soccer fields, but she thinks the soccer complex is in the wrong location because it is closer to <br />Mebane than any other town in Orange County. There is no access to public transportation. <br />
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