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John Link asked Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones to speak to this. <br />He also asked Rich Shaw to set up maps. He said that during the 1997-98 site search process, <br />the judgment was that locating the new senior center on County property was the best decision. <br />The question tonight is which footprint is the best on the County's property to locate the senior <br />center. <br />Pam Jones said that they asked the designers of the Southern Human Services Center <br />to prepare a site master plan of the site to identify the building footprints that might be possible. <br />They asked the designers to maximize the parking and minimize the use of the land for use of <br />the parking. She pointed out the sites that were identified on the map. She said that the <br />original site that they looked at had collaboration with UNC and the Institute on Aging, but it <br />does not look like UNC will go forward with its expansion of the Institute on Aging. She said that <br />none of the footprints have dedicated uses. The site on the east and north of the building has <br />been previously discussed as a potential site for future justice facility expansion. This is the <br />only property the County owns in Chapel Hill that is suitable for this type of future development. <br />Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw said that he was asked to walk the property and <br />prepare a preliminary evaluation of the different sites from a natural resource conservation <br />perspective. He found five sites. He described each site. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the square footage of the senior center and Pam Jones said <br />that the estimate was 25,000 square feet. <br />Pam Jones answered several clarifying questions of the County Commissioners. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Board should memorialize some of this analysis for future <br />boards so they will not have to start over. He also suggested refining the plan to switch from a <br />possible building site and incorporate it into the thinking as part of the park aspect of the <br />campus. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that seniors have contacted him that the preferred site is <br />site B. He would like to make this as user-friendly as possible (i.e., accessible to wheelchairs). <br />Chair of the Advisory Board on Aging Jack Chestnut said that both boards (Advisory <br />Board on Aging and Friends of the Chapel Hill Senior Center) approved site B as their preferred <br />site because of the visibility and they hope to attract drop-ins. <br />A motion was made Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />designate Site B as the site for the Southern Orange Senior Center. <br />Chair Jacobs added to have staff to come back with adaptations that he outlined for the <br />master plan for the property, so that the Board could consider them at a later date. <br />UOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Jacobs asked Pam Jones about next steps and Pam Jones said that the planning <br />committee would designate some representatives to work with the architect. The RFP will be <br />ready to go out very soon. <br />Chair Jacobs asked that Pam Jones put this in memo form far the seniors and for the <br />Senior Times. <br />b. Animal Shelter Position, Classification and Pay and Personnel Policy Actions <br />The Board considered position, classification, pay and personnel policy actions <br />necessary to implement the County operation of the Animal Shelter effective July 1, 2QQ4; <br />amending the Orange County Classification and Pay Plan as shown in Attachment 2 effective <br />June 1, 2QQ4; and authorizing the Personnel Director to take the Personnel policy actions in <br />Item 4. <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes said that the purpose of this item is to take the <br />personnel actions to staff the animal shelter. There are presently 16 full-time Animal Protection <br />Society employees in the shelter. Of those 16, eight now have advised that they will continue <br />working with APS at their new facility. Those eight include the Shelter Operations Manager, the <br />