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ARTICLE V. <br />WEAPONS* <br />* Cross References: Weapons in parks, § 26 -53. (repealed), Orange County Facilities Use Policy. <br />Sec. 18 -151. Defmitions. <br />For purposes of this section and any other Code of Ordinances section that addresses the <br />possession of firearms or weapons, the following terms are hereby defined: <br />(1) Athletic facility means a building, structure or place for engaging in sporting events, <br />recreational activities, fitness or physical training. <br />(2) Athletic field means a piece of land traditionally used for organized athletic or <br />sporting event(s), including the adjoining;, spectator area. <br />(3) Handgun means a gun or firearm desigried to be held and operated by one hand <br />including but not limited to any revolver � pistol, derringer, pepperbox, machine pistol, <br />single -shot pistol, or semi - automatic pistol. <br />(4) Playground means a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for <br />recreation especially by children including the adioming area and shelter used by <br />children for respite, eating and playing sedentary games. <br />(5) Pocket Knife means a folding knife typically used for utilitarian purposes having an <br />overall length of four inches or less when in its closed position. <br />(6) Recreational facilities include the following: a playground, an athletic field, a <br />swimming col, and/or athletic facility owned, leased; or operated by Orange County. <br />(7) Weapon in,610des, but is not limited to, any rifle, shotgun, weapon of mass <br />destruction; or knife (exc pding pocket knives). <br />(Ord. of 11 -1- 1995, § 6.1, effi 11 2 -199$, Amend. of _ -_ -2012, eff. _ -_ 201_) <br />Sec. 18 -152. Prohibition. <br />(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or carry a concealed or non - concealed <br />handgun or weapon, on or in any county - owned, leased, or operated building or its <br />appurtenant premises including, but not limited to, a parking lot, or on or in any <br />public school building or grounds. <br />(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or carry a concealed or non - concealed <br />handgun, with or without a permit, or weapon on, in or within any of the recreational <br />facilities as defined above in any of the county parks listed in Section 18 -154. Except <br />as otherwise provided herein, the County Manager or his or her designee is authorized <br />and directed to post, in conspicuous locations, notices of this prohibition against <br />carrying a concealed handgun. Nevertheless, a concealed handgun permittee may, at <br />the designated parking area of a recreational facility, secure the handgun in a locked <br />vehicle within the trunk, glove box, or other enclosed compartment or area within or <br />on the motor vehicle. <br />(3) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or carry a non - concealed handgun or <br />weapon or a concealed weapon on any county - owned, leased, or operated property. <br />