Orange County NC Website
11 <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />FIRE-PROTECTION CONTRACT <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />This agreement is made and entered into this lst day <br />of July, 1982, by and between Orange County (hereinafter, "the <br />County ") and the Town of Carrboro (hereinafter, "the Town "). <br />WHEREAS, the County has established the South Orange <br />Fire District and wishes to have fire protection services pro- <br />vided to the residents and property owners within this district <br />by the Carrboro Fire Department; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has provided fire protection to <br />the South Orange Fire District in past years and wishes to <br />continue to provide such services at a fair rate of compensa- <br />tion in the future; and <br />WHEREAS, the County and the Town are authorized to <br />enter this agreement by Article 3A of Chapter 69 of the North <br />Carolina General Statutes. <br />NOGG, THEREFORE, the Town and the County hereby agree <br />as follows: <br />1. The Town shall, to the best of its ability, furnish <br />such fire fighting equipment and personnel as the Town deems <br />necessary for the purpose of providing fire protection to pro- <br />perty and persons located within the'South Orange Fire District, <br />'as the boundaries of such district are now constituted or may <br />hereafter be amended. In accordance with G. S. 69 =25.8, in <br />providing such fire protection services, the Town shall be sub- <br />ject to the same immunities it enjoys in the operation of a fire <br />department within its corporate limits. <br />