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40 <br />Larry Wright: Let's move to "K ". If you have a speedway, is this realistic. <br />Glenn Bowles: Some of the new racetracks that have NASCAR sanction are talking <br />about it. <br />Larry Wright: Once it gets to noise and decibels, I have a hard time. I think you have a <br />grammatical error on "K ". <br />Mark Marcoplos: Basically these issues will be further addressed when someone came <br />forward with a specific proposal. <br />Larry Wright: What else do you need from us? <br />Glenn Bowles: I have your comments, at this point in time, you can take another <br />meeting and discuss our revisions further or you can make recommendations tonight, <br />either one is acceptable to staff as to going forward or table the motion to make <br />recommendation to the board or you could do that tonight with the specifics you just <br />talked about. <br />Larry Wright: So we can table this and discuss it again or we can take the comments <br />that we have and integrate those because as I understand it the Commissioners wanted <br />us to take a look at this with these rendering and the discussions and here our <br />comments on that and then to pass those comments as in the notes on to the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />MOTION made by Lisa Stuckey to recommend approval subject to the staff <br />incorporating all the Planning Board's comments made and all required revisions and <br />documenting those revisions reviewed at the County Commissioners next meeting. <br />Tony Blake seconded. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />Mark Marcoplos: I want to say that I am pleased that the people involved in the small <br />area plan who were most involved and want to come back and came to the meeting to <br />support this. That is the key thing that the people in the neighborhood that were part of <br />the process as it moved forward. That's one of the key reasons I feel good about it. <br />Larry Wright: I would like to make a comment too. I have been to countless quarterly <br />public hearings and I am so happy to hear that the Chandlers are moving forward or at <br />least they are part of this because they have been frustrated for so many years. <br />Michael Harvey: I think that without the adoption of REDA it would be difficult for them <br />to get approval. <br />