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37 <br />make modifications to this site to address some of the offsite impacts but also allow for <br />purposeful expansion. This amendment allows for additional non - residential <br />development in this area consistent with a recommendation from the small area plan <br />through a process of a public hearing, the uses have to be consistent with the findings <br />of the adopted small area plan and the County Commissioners have to make findings <br />that are consistent with plan and furthers the goal for this area which is defined on page <br />33. The second thing it provides, which we were directed as part of the steering <br />committee for the Highway 57 Small Area Plan, was to identify a potential process the <br />speedway, the go -kart owner could go through to memorialize their site and allow for <br />potential expansion either of the existing race facility or alternative uses that would <br />augment and allow for the facility to continue to exist. The recommendation of the small <br />area plan was that a rural economic development district be established. The planning <br />staff has recommended that because of the LIDO established a conditional zoning <br />district construct here the County Commissioners will be reviewing and approving a site <br />plan and working with the applicant and adjacent property owners that it was a give -take <br />process where, yes they had to meet standards or offer design alternatives to meet the <br />same goal. It promoted the goals of the small area plan while still allowing the County <br />Commissioners to negotiate settlements. <br />Tony Blake: Get the full benefits of the input of the local residents. That sounds like the <br />most reasonable proposal. Again, what do the owners of the property feel about that? <br />Have any of the residents commented on this at all? <br />Michael Harvey: We reached out to the members of the small area plan...... <br />Larry Wright: Is he (Glenn) going to cover that? Are you going to cover that? <br />Glenn Bowles: A little bit. <br />Rachel Hawkins: I know the go -kart track is for sale. If someone wants to buy it and <br />they don't make it a go -kart track, what happens? <br />Glenn Bowles: There would be a mutual understanding that we would have <br />development standards for that use. <br />Michael Harvey: We have to remember that we are not amending the zoning atlas to <br />establish rural economic development on any of these properties only if someone brings <br />forward a Conditional Use Rezoning application. <br />Lisa Stuckey: When I look at this, it seems good. I see lots of "no requirements" which <br />means sort of a negotiated thing so basically we are saying that not too much happens <br />here but if someone wanted to make it go, then we would have to do stuff to mitigate. In <br />other areas, that will be basically a negotiated basis.... <br />