Orange County NC Website
33 <br />Glenn Bowles: I have a house keeping item. There a number of attachments in your <br />handouts. There are some draft minutes from the quarterly public hearing, if your <br />recollection of those discussions are a little different than what is shown please get <br />those comments to myself or Michael so we can pass them up to the appropriate <br />people. <br />Larry Wright: First of all I would like to, I don't know what page is on but on staff <br />comment, there is a grammatical error. Page 22, it is the last staff comment, and I think <br />you want to say 'they also identified....'. Go ahead. <br />Glenn Bowles: The discussion at the quarterly public hearing gave us a number of good <br />comments, we thought... <br />Larry Wright: I didn't see where you took the comments, and I think it's on page 44, and <br />would like to know how staff responds to this, now you're talking about comments. <br />This is addressing Section 5.7.7 Raised Track Motorized and Go Kart facilities and <br />addressing item D under there, 'no vegetation with this area shall be disturbed'. I think <br />raised the issue about what happens when the buffer..... <br />Glenn Bowles: We will get to that because I have several slides here that talk directly to <br />that. The... <br />Larry Wright: Yes, but I don't see a correction in here. <br />Glenn Bowles: We'll get to that sir. The 200 foot buffer, there was a little <br />miscommunication, I am going to get to that as to where the 200 foot buffer was and <br />where the road side buffer.. We'll get to that. <br />Larry Wright: Yes you will. <br />Glenn Bowles: I will show that and if I don't do it well enough then we can talk some <br />more. <br />Glenn Bowles: Reviewed abstract. <br />Lisa Stuckey: Where there appears to be concrete what would happen? How would <br />you achieve a buffer where there seems to be currently concrete.? <br />Glenn Bowles: The intent for the perimeter buffer was one for naturalizing... <br />Lisa Stuckey: So you would put plants in there? <br />Glenn Bowles: We would hope to see something like that. These folks don't have to do <br />anything right now. They are existing, non - conforming. They can continue but if they <br />wanted to upgrade or change their use in some way or add additional uses then we <br />