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28 <br />Take the proposed regulations, apply it to the speedway and ascertain whether there are <br />problematic areas and identify potential solutions to allow the Board to see the pro and con <br />impact. Also, identify where there could be methods where we could modify what is being <br />proposed to address a real life scenario and at the same time, encourage any new development <br />to insure it will not have a negative impact on adjacent property. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />(Later, after item C -2 the Board returned to vote on an additional portion of C -1) <br />A motion was made by Chair Pellissier, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to adjourn <br />the public hearing until May 1, 2012 in order to receive and accept the Planning Board's <br />recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />