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10 <br />County citizens. Further, the BOCC member indicated asphalt plants should be <br />prohibited within the area. <br />STAFF COMMENT: While the Small Area Plan did not specifically state how the <br />future reservoir park on the quarry properties should be developed, forty percent <br />(40 %) of the quarry is within Orange County. <br />With respect to the asphalt plan, staff indicated a recent application proposing the <br />development of an asphalt plant on the Hanson Aggregate quarry property was <br />denied. Staff has determined such uses are not a customary accessory use to a <br />quarry. <br />o A BOCC member suggested that Item (J) of the proposed new Section 5.7.5 <br />Race Track (Motorized, etc. and Go -Kart Track Facilities should include wording <br />to address both litter collection and recycling. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Item (J) text has been amended to include the new wording. <br />o BOCC and Planning Board members suggested that Item (K) of the proposed <br />new Section 5.7.5 Race Track (Motorized, etc. and Go -Kart Track Facilities <br />should be revised. As proposed it would be a strong deterrent to any <br />redevelopment initiative. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Item (K) text has been revised to make it clear that several <br />different noise reduction measures may be employed to reduce noise levels, such as <br />mufflers, noise baffles, or other innovative reduction techniques. Research into new <br />noise abatement at new or existing racing facilities in California and Virginia indicate <br />that berming, lowering the grade of the racetrack surface, noise walls, and <br />grandstand design separately or in combination do abate high levels of vehicle noise. <br />Attachment 7 provides additional discussions regarding noise walls. <br />o A BOCC member asked if the lighting standards in Item (M) will cause a problem. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The UDO lighting standards require that fixtures be designed to <br />direct light down to the facility surface The Small Area Plan steering committee and <br />local residents expressed their concerns that racetrack lighting glare often does <br />impact off -site properties. <br />LIDO Section 6.11 requires full cut off fixtures directing light only onto the racing and <br />parking surfaces. Compliance with these regulations should address off -site glare <br />issues, voiced during the small area plan process <br />o Both BOCC and Planning Board members stated that some existing parking and <br />other structures encroach into the proposed 200 -foot (or 50 -foot) buffer. In these <br />areas we need language to clarify planting activities and to possible enhance or <br />make more robust the landscape plantings in these areas. Attachment 5 and <br />Attachment 6 focus on these buffer encroachments. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Language has been added to Item (D) to address these <br />concerns. Attachment 5 and Attachment 6 detail the 200 -foot landscape buffer <br />n <br />