Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br /> Section 6.20: Public Sewer connection <br /> whether a special exception should be granted as provided in Section 6.19.8(C) or for the <br /> hearing of an appeal of a School District denial of a CAPS as provided in Section 6.19.9. <br /> (C) A copy of a request for a CAPS special exception or of an appeal of a School District <br /> denial of a CAPS shall be served on the superintendent of the School District. Service <br /> may be made by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested. <br /> 6.20.1 Required Use of Public Sewer Service <br /> (A) All structures or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other <br /> purposes are required, at the property owner's expense, to connect wastewater facilities <br /> directly to the public wastewater system in accordance with the provisions of the <br /> governing sewer use ordinance of the public sewer system provided that the following <br /> conditions apply: <br /> (1) The property is in a designated public sewer service area. <br /> (2) A public gravity sewer line or gravity sewer manhole is adjacent to or crosses the <br /> property. In this case, adjacent is defined as one or more of the following: <br /> (a) the easement for the sewer line is on the property or butted against the <br /> property line and within 500 feet of the structure to be connected; <br /> (b) the gravity sewer line or gravity sewer manhole is located in a public <br /> right-of-way of a public road which borders the property, whether on the <br /> same side of the road itself or the opposite side, such that no private <br /> easement would be required to allow the property owner to connect and <br /> within 500 feet of the structure to be connected; <br /> (3) The structure or property to be connected is within the Water and Sewer <br /> Management Planning and Boundary Agreement Primary Service Area for <br /> Orange County; <br /> (4) The North Carolina Department of Transportation is willing to grant an <br /> encroachment into public road right-of-way for the purpose of connecting to the <br /> public sewer system, if necessary. <br /> (B) If the structure or property is situated below the elevation necessary to obtain a one- <br /> percent grade in the sewer connection line, but is otherwise accessible to a public sewer <br /> as provided in (A) above, the owner shall provide a private sewage pumping station. <br /> Design and installation of the pumping station shall adhere to all State and local plumbing <br /> and other building codes, in addition to adhering to all the connection requirements and <br /> standard specifications of the governing sewer use ordinance. <br /> (C) If an existing septic facility is determined by the Orange County Environmental Health <br /> Department to have failed (or be inadequate for the current or proposed use) and the <br /> property is accessible to a public sewer system as provided in (A), the owner shall be <br /> required to connect to the public sewer system unless a viable repair area can be <br /> identified on the property. If a viable repair area is identified on the property,the owner <br /> shall not be required to connect to the public sewer system, but may choose to connect if <br /> so desired. <br /> (D) There shall be no such connection requirement for any structure or property if an <br /> adequate septic facility is currently in use and in good working order. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-145 <br />