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Approved 5/2/12 23 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: I am going to go with Pete and Mark. I think people should have an option. It an area is set aside and is still <br />workable there should be an option. It is unfair if you had someone to set aside the property for that purpose and it is usable and then <br />say you can't use it. <br />Larry Wright: Thank you, I have nothing new to add. <br />Michael Harvey: If it is the board's pleasure to have the various questions answered and for Kevin to inform residences of what is <br />going on and solicit their input then the motion needs to be made to table this item to the regular May meeting. As you will note from <br />your attachment, the County Commissioners request that you make a recommendation for their May 1 meeting. Part of what staff will <br />have to do is inform the County Commissioners that they will have to continue the Public Hearing until another date and time certain. <br />Kevin Lindley: I think the request was no sooner than April 17. We put May 1 in the document because that was the first meeting we <br />thought we could get on the board's agenda. <br />Mark Marcoplos: It seems to be that we have already fleshed out the options people will express. I don't know why it needs to carry <br />on much longer. Why don't we give it to the County Commissioners and say here is what we said tonight. I don't believe there is any <br />other optional perspective from the public. <br />Larry Wright: Is there any way we can craft that into a motion If I am reading Mark correctly said that we could craft that into a motion <br />and have that presented to the Board of County Commissioners and respond to them by their April 17th deadline. <br />Kevin Lindley: It was no sooner than. It can be later. <br />Michael Harvey: I think the easiest to do is to make a motion to table this so Kevin can respond to the questions been posed and he <br />could solicit input from the impacted property owners and staff will report progress to the County Commissioners on where you are and <br />you will reconvene at the May regular meeting and take the time to review the item. <br />Ed Kielty: I am a new resident of Orange County. An area that I have not heard discussed is, I have purchased a tract of land that is <br />in a development but this tract does not have an easement to public sewer. To get to the public sewer line, you would have to cross <br />other private property homeowners. What kind of allowance is made? <br />Kevin Lindley: The definition of adjacent of that if the sewer line actually crosses the property or you can get to the sewer line without <br />crossing private property. <br />Ed Kielty: A.1c says that if any one (1) of these conditions exist, so it is not that all A, B and C exist but any one of them. <br />Kevin Lindley: Right, so you would not be required to connect. <br />Tony Blake: The key word there is adjacent. In this case, adjacent is defined as one or more. <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Look at 1 C, my property is in a public sewer area, therefore whatever it takes I have got to.... <br />Tony Blake: I see what you are saying. It says one of more. He would be trapped by C and would have to get an easement or <br />something. <br />Kevin Lindley: The public sewer service area was not intending to designate a community like Efland where you are running private <br />sewer to serve most of the existing residences as they are now. It is more to cover areas where you expect broad development where <br />the county is putting sewer infrastructure in. <br />Tony Blake: You could solve the question by moving C to the paragraph above and say the property is within a designated public <br />sewer service area and one or more of the following is true and strike item C. <br />Ed Kielty: My development is a 500 home development, there was a lot they missed, I've got that lot. Everything has been developed, <br />nothing new there.... <br />Larry Wright: I would like to move on with this. We understand his concern and that it is not met by this. If you want to meet with him <br />and adjust this, I would like to move on. <br />E <br />