Orange County NC Website
0 <br />to children and families with certain risk factors, and provision of other <br />supportive services to address the identified problems. <br />ii. The social workers shall be employees of Orange County and will be <br />directly supervised by and accountable to DSS. <br />b. Other Supportive Services. To provide other supportive services without <br />additional charge to Orange County Schools including continuing program <br />training of social workers, verification of Medicaid eligibility, and Medicaid <br />billing and reconciliation. <br />3. Orange County Schools agrees to the following: <br />a. Payment. Orange County Schools agrees to reimburse Orange County within 30 <br />days of receipt of monthly billings for the county's share of the salary, benefits, <br />and all indirect costs, including travel costs, of the eight social work staff assigned <br />to the Orange County Schools not covered by Medicaid. <br />b. Other Supportive Services. To provide supportive services without charge to DSS <br />including: office space; parking space; office equipment; clerical support; and <br />telephone service. <br />C. Liaison Assigned. Due to the nature of this agreement, a close working <br />relationship between the two organizations is essential. To facilitate this <br />relationship, Orange County Schools and DSS will establish liaisons to provide <br />coordination and oversight. Assignment of work to the social workers and <br />coordination of sick, vacation, and other leave will be the joint responsibility of <br />the liaisons. <br />d. The Social Workers shall be employed by Orange County; however, Orange <br />County Schools shall participate in the interviewing and selection process utilized <br />by DSS for the hiring of the social workers covered by this agreement in <br />accordance with the Orange County Personnel Ordinance and Office of State <br />Personnel Policy. <br />4. The Parties agree to the following: <br />a. Compensation. Compensation for the cost of the social work services will be <br />provided by a federally funded Medicaid Program entitled "At Risk Case <br />Management" with a local match provided by Orange County Schools. <br />i. DSS will bill the Medicaid At Risk Case Management Services when the <br />client and services to children at risk of abuse of neglect meet eligibility <br />requirements for these funds. <br />ON <br />