Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Halkiotis said that he commends the staff for doing this. He read, "the <br />cutlet produced by the crusher can be used in landfill operations as roadway bedding, drainage <br />medium, landfill cover, and other uses, reducing quantities of stone and gravel usually used for <br />these purposes. The Town of Chapel Hill has expressed interest in considering use of the <br />product for running trail base material." He asked why Orange County has not expressed <br />interest in this also. He would like to be involved in this. <br />Chair Jacobs asked the staff to find out what is being done with all of the County's <br />recycled products related to selling them to school systems or governments. Rod Visser said <br />that they would bring back a report. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />accept a grant from the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental <br />Assistance (DPPEA} in the amount of $25,000 in order to purchase a glass crushing machine to <br />create alternative products from unmarketable or costly glass and to authorize the Manager to <br />accept and sign the grant agreement and any other appropriate documents, subject to final <br />review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. Billing and Collection of Fees for Proposed Town of Chapel Hill Storm water <br />Ut~l~ty - <br />The Board considered giving conceptual approval to a request from the Town of Chapel <br />Hill that the County bill and collect on the Town's behalf, fees that would be associated with the <br />creation of a Town storm water management utility; directing staff to develop, in conjunction with <br />Town staff, an interlocal agreement to cover billing and collection of storm water fees, which <br />would be scheduled for review and approval by both the BOCC and Town Council by June <br />2004; and authorizing the creation of a new permanent full-time Tax Clerk position. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Chapel Hill is proposing a storm water utility. She wants <br />to make sure that it is clear that it is the Town and not the County proposing this fee. She is <br />worried about complaints. <br />John Link said that he has had discussions with the Town Manager and there have been <br />many hours of work. He hopes that the Board will approve this in concept. They want to make <br />sure that people understand that it is Chapel Hill imposing the fee. It will be a County employee, <br />but it will be paid for by Chapel Hill. <br />Rod Visser said that Chapel Hill is very willing to do the educational campaign to make <br />sure everyone knows it is imposed by Chapel Hill. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />give conceptual approval to a request from the Town of Chapel Hill that the County bill and <br />collect on the Town's behalf, fees that would be associated with the creation of a Town storm <br />water management utility; direct staff to develop, in conjunction with Town staff, an interlocal <br />agreement to cover billing and collection of storm water fees, which would be scheduled far <br />review and approval by both the BOCC and Town Council by June 2004; and authorize the <br />creation of a new permanent full-time Tax Clerk position. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />m. Options for the Laws House [Little River Regional Park and Natural Areal <br />The Board considered options for the disposition of the Laws House, an existing turn of <br />the century dwelling located at the Little River Regional Park and Natural Area; and approving <br />the expenditure of up to $15,000 for Option #5 -stabilizing the Laws House prior to the opening <br />of the Park. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that they needed to discuss this because this Laws house <br />was rejected as the caretaker house. It is not in the master plan. She is concerned because it <br />