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8 <br /> 1 Dave Stancil said that this has been discussed lately and he hopes to get some <br /> 2 concrete figures soon. <br /> 3 Commissioner Gordon said that she too would like to see this impact since they do have <br /> 4 competing needs for soccer parks and usage and there are other places where soccer fields <br /> 5 could be built. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Commissioner Jacobs said that there is a plan for the other Blackwood Farm to fund in <br /> 8 year six, but this one does not have a plan and yet it is being funded. The plan for the first <br /> 9 Blackwood Farm was worked out with a group of citizens, County Commissioners, and staff and <br /> 10 it took about a year. Now, that plan has been shelved and this plan has been moved way up <br /> 11 without having something seen or adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 12 Dave Stancil said that a big part of the rationale here is that there is a funding partner in <br /> 13 the Town of Chapel Hill and there is not one at the other Blackwood Farm. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Paul Laughton said that the next time the County Commissioners will discuss the CIP is <br /> 16 March 15th. There is time allotted for follow-up on the CIP and then they meet again on April <br /> 17 19th for about an hour. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Commissioner Foushee suggested suspending speaking on the CIP from pages 47-69 <br /> 20 and going to school projects since school staff are here. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 SCHOOL PROJECTS: <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Orange County Schools (OCS): <br /> 25 Paul Laughton said that this begins on page 69. Included in this section are the <br /> 26 requested CIPs from both school systems. Both of them list funded and unfunded projects. <br /> 27 Orange County Schools sent a revised CIP, which is at the County Commissioners' places. <br /> 28 The changes are highlighted in yellow. On page 81, the Cedar Ridge classroom wing addition <br /> 29 was changed to add $300,000 in planning costs in year one. The other change is on page 84 <br /> 30 of the revised CIP, which is Elementary School #8. There is also information on reassessing <br /> 31 the capacity at Orange High School. This analysis should be completed by early April. <br /> 32 The recommended funding for Orange County Schools is continuation of the pay-as- <br /> 33 you-go, the lottery fund, and the Cedar Ridge Auxiliary Gym in 2014-15 at$2,175,000 and then <br /> 34 in years 2015-16 the classroom wing addition. This would be an addition of 20 classrooms. <br /> 35 The current capacity is 1,000 students and the enrollment is 1,129. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS): <br /> 38 The %-cent sales tax Article 46 is reflected in the special revenue fund section of the <br /> 39 CIP. The schools submitted how they would like those proceeds allotted. <br /> 40 Page 70 has some "unfunded" projects outlined. Page 71 has a total summary sheet of <br /> 41 funded and unfunded projects. <br /> 42 Commissioner Gordon asked that the SAPFO TAC information for both schools be <br /> 43 provided on larger pages. She stated that the CIP for the new school facilities should conform <br /> 44 to the provisions of the SAPFO. <br /> 45 Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 70 and said that the Culbreth Middle <br /> 46 School science labs are still not funded and have not been funded for years. This is a core <br /> 47 instructional function. <br /> 48 Commissioner Hemminger said that she would also like to know about the SAPFO <br /> 49 numbers in the fall. She asked about the enrollment for elementary schools in OCS. <br />