Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 1 Link Government Services Center: <br /> 2 Commissioner McKee made reference to page 95 and the 72% complete figure. He <br /> 3 asked if this was just the repairs that have been done with the sprinkler system and what is <br /> 4 seen now. It was answered yes. He said that there is a building next door to the Link Center in <br /> 5 which there are several employees of the Elections Board. He asked if there was a possibility <br /> 6 of moving that department to this area. <br /> 7 Commissioner Gordon encouraged the County Commissioners to think about whether <br /> 8 this is a temporary meeting solution or if this is a long-term solution. She does not see the <br /> 9 space in the Link Center being a good meeting room. She said that the meeting room should <br /> 10 be built as a meeting room instead of retrofitting something else. She would like to solve the <br /> 11 long-term space planning issue before deconstructing something. <br /> 12 Commissioner Jacobs thanked staff for putting money into making the Link Government <br /> 13 Services Center handicapped accessible. He said that all government buildings should be ADA <br /> 14 compliant as soon as possible. <br /> 15 Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the figure for this building and said that he <br /> 16 thought it was $1 million a couple of years ago. He asked if the geothermal system would be <br /> 17 used and if this savings was incorporated. <br /> 18 Pam Jones said that the cost of the geothermal system was separate from this building. <br /> 19 Commissioner McKee asked if there were figures for putting in office partitions in the <br /> 20 downstairs Link Government Services Center and Pam Jones said no. <br /> 21 Commissioner Foushee said that she respects the staff for funding needs for ADA <br /> 22 compliance, but since they have indicated that it is not known when the space needs study <br /> 23 would occur, it seems that it might be beneficial for the Board to be able to see an inventory of <br /> 24 the buildings that need ADA attention. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Information Technology: <br /> 27 Paul Laughton made reference to the blue handout which was the Information <br /> 28 Technology Capital sheet for FY 2012-13. This year, the proposal is $500,000, but the green <br /> 29 sheet has information on increasing this to $700,000 this year. <br /> 30 Clarence Grier said that every year the County spends $500,000 for IT for infrastructure <br /> 31 and all. This year, if they add $200,000 to existing allocations, they can get all of the IT <br /> 32 infrastructure updated in one year instead of doing it piece meal. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Paul Laughton continued summarizing the information. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Frank Clifton suggested that the County Commissioners take a tour of the existing jail <br /> 37 with the Sheriff. <br /> 38 Commissioner Jacobs said that when he toured the courthouse, he heard about the lack <br /> 39 of facilities for magistrates. Perhaps they could be accommodated with this potential new jail. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Emergency Services: <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Viper Radio System: <br /> 44 Paul Laughton said that the Emergency Services Work Group has been charged to look <br /> 45 at these projects. <br /> 46 Commissioner McKee said that the work group will be addressing the need for the <br /> 47 additional towers fairly quickly. He said that he has been informed that a couple of fire <br /> 48 departments, working with a private contractor approved by the Highway Patrol, has <br /> 49 reprogrammed some of the radios and it is not a fix, but it has improved the reception to some <br />