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10 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 John Roberts asked the Board to make another motion to authorize the Chair or <br /> 3 Manager to sign a one-year extension. <br /> 4 A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> 5 authorize the Chair or Manager to sign a one-year extension on this current agreement. <br /> 6 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7 <br /> 8 C. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Release/Refunds <br /> 9 The Board considered adoption of a release/refund resolution related to 30 requests for <br /> 10 motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with NCGS. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs asked to be excused from voting for this because he has an <br /> 12 automobile on this item. <br /> 13 A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> 14 excuse Commissioner Jacobs from voting on this item. <br /> 15 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 16 A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 17 Foushee to adopt the release/refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to <br /> 18 30 requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with NCGS. <br /> 19 VOTE: UNANIMOUS (6-0, without Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> 20 <br /> 21 M. BOCC Rules of Procedure— Revised Booklet <br /> 22 The Board considered approval of the revised BOCC Rules of Procedure booklet. <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon made reference to her handout, which was on the yellow sheet. <br /> 24 She summarized her suggestions. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Page 8—Suggest that in Rule 8 (next to last line on the page), the word "would" should <br /> 27 be changed to "shall" so that it reads "shall also be placed...." It seems this change is needed <br /> 28 for consistency with the previous wording. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Page 9—Also in Rule 8, in the second line at the top of the page, should the word <br /> 31 "usually" be deleted? It would then read "(48-72 hours before the meeting)." <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Page 16— In Rule 22, in the second line of the first paragraph, should the word "may" <br /> 34 be changed to "shall" so that it reads "....board shall excuse members...."? <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Clerk to the Board Donna Baker made reference to the suggestion on page 9 and said <br /> 37 that there may circumstances out of the staffs control, and this wording was in an effort to <br /> 38 make it more generalized. There is no legal requirement for when it is put out there. She <br /> 39 prefers to leave it as "generally" or"usually." <br /> 40 Commissioner Jacobs asked the County Attorney about suspending the rules on Rule 5 <br /> 41 on page 13. He said that for petitions from the public, there may be times when something has <br /> 42 to be acted upon. He said that making it "will" and "all such requests" makes it exclusionary <br /> 43 and inflexible. If there could be a motion to suspend the rules, then he will not change the <br /> 44 wording. <br /> 45 John Roberts said that in Rule 22, after the words, "official conduct," he would add "as <br /> 46 provided by law." <br /> 47 Frank Clifton said that with suspending the rules, as long as the intent is clear, then it is <br /> 48 sufficient. <br /> 49 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> 50 approve the revised BOCC Rules of Procedure, with the following changes: <br />