Agenda - 06-05-2012 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-05-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-05-2012 - 5a
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Last modified
11/17/2015 3:27:05 PM
Creation date
6/1/2012 12:38:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-05-2012
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9 <br /> 1 Commissioner Gordon asked if the market had approached the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> 2 Austin Genhe said that the Tourism Board helps the market with a grant, but this is not <br /> 3 guaranteed every year. <br /> 4 Commissioner McKee said that, considering the County's focus on encouraging and <br /> 5 helping small agricultural entities, he would support waiving the fees or making them minimal. <br /> 6 He would prefer waiving the fees. <br /> 7 Commissioner Jacobs said that he agreed with sentiment of Commissioner McKee. He <br /> 8 said that it is not encouraging to go from a subsidized rent program to off the cliff fees. He <br /> 9 suggested talking about setting fees during the budget process. <br /> 10 Commissioner Hemminger said that they all want to be supportive of the farmer's <br /> 11 market. She said that it would be difficult to waive fees for one group if there are other groups <br /> 12 coming in regularly. She is amenable to the suggestion of$500 annually. <br /> 13 Commissioner Yuhasz agreed that the full fee is excessive in this case. He asked how <br /> 14 many regular members participate each time it is open. He supported Commissioner Jacobs' <br /> 15 suggestion to investigate this more and discuss an appropriate fee. <br /> 16 Commissioner Gordon agreed that the Board needs to discuss what an appropriate fee <br /> 17 should be. She asked the staff to provide a basis for a decision based on principles. She said <br /> 18 that there is competition for this location. She would like the staff to look this over and see if <br /> 19 the fee should be less and what would be reasonable. <br /> 20 Chair Pelissier said that this license agreement will expire on April 1St. She asked what <br /> 21 would happen if they wait. She is concerned about staff time for doing an in-depth analysis. <br /> 22 Frank Clifton said that the Board adopted a Facilities Use Policy last year. The staff <br /> 23 studied this and came up with an analysis based on the committed use of this facility. There is <br /> 24 some competition for this facility. He said that he would follow the Board's direction. <br /> 25 Commissioner McKee said that the facility is used by the local farmers heavily. He said <br /> 26 that the $500 annual rent is reasonable and the agreement ends soon. He said that the Board <br /> 27 needs to make a decision. <br /> 28 Commissioner Foushee disagreed and she asked John Roberts about the agreement <br /> 29 and the terms of termination. She said that the agreement does not speak to an extension of <br /> 30 the current agreement. She has a problem with taking this decision out of context of the fee <br /> 31 structure and opening it up to other requests. She suggested extending the agreement until the <br /> 32 Board has had this discussion on fee structures during budget deliberations, such as July 1St <br /> 33 John Roberts said that Section 4 says that is can be extended for two years beyond the <br /> 34 three-year term. He agreed with Commissioner Foushee about making exceptions. He said <br /> 35 that there should be a structure in place for making exceptions so that the County is not <br /> 36 inundated with similar requests. <br /> 37 Commissioner Jacobs reminded the Board that the initial reason that there is only one <br /> 38 group using this facility is because there was a personality conflict that precluded a competing <br /> 39 group from being willing to use the facility. It is not that the County selected one over the other; <br /> 40 it is that one refused to participate. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner McKee to: <br /> 43 • Defer consideration until the Board's review of the County fee schedule during the <br /> 44 budget process; <br /> 45 • Regard this facility as a specialized use with a cost structure that reflects that <br /> 46 difference; and <br /> 47 • Adopt the $500 fee for the 2012-13 year(extending the current agreement for one <br /> 48 year) <br /> 49 <br /> 50 VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />
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