Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 That the Applicant will provide for efficient operation and maintenance of the <br /> 2 project on completion of construction thereof. <br /> 3 That Frank Clifton, County Manager, the Authorized Official, and successors <br /> 4 so titled, is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the <br /> 5 Applicant with the State of North Carolina for a loan to aid in the construction of <br /> 6 the project described above. <br /> 7 That the Authorized Official, and successors so titled, is hereby authorized and <br /> 8 directed to furnish such information as the appropriate State agency may request <br /> 9 in connection with such application or the project: to make the assurances as <br /> 10 contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required in <br /> 11 connection with the application. <br /> 12 That the Applicant has substantially complied or will substantially comply with all <br /> 13 Federal, State, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to <br /> 14 the project and to Federal and State grants and loans pertaining thereto. <br /> 15 Adopted this the 13t' day of March, 2012, at Hillsborough, North Carolina <br /> 16 <br /> 17 m. BOCC Rules of Procedure—Revised Booklet <br /> 18 This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> 19 consideration. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 <br /> 22 VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 23 <br /> 24 6. Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br /> 25 <br /> 26 L License Renewal for Farmers' Market Pavilion— Eno River Farmers' <br /> 27 Market, Inc. <br /> 28 The Board considered renewal of the license agreement for the Eno River Farmers' <br /> 29 Market Inc., for use of the Farmers' Market Pavilion through March 31, 2015 (existing <br /> 30 agreement expires April 1, 2012) and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> 31 Lisa Pope is the treasurer of the Farmer's Market and said that they are looking at the <br /> 32 proposed fee structure for usage of the facility. She said that the structure, as proposed, would <br /> 33 pose a financial hardship on the market itself. The current budget for the year with over$1,000 <br /> 34 in fees would put the market in a deficit. She said that the prior market contract for the first <br /> 35 three years of usage suggested that the contract could be reviewed and possibly renewed <br /> 36 under the same terms if the County sees fit. This prior agreement waived any fees for the <br /> 37 market for the usage. Since the building was built on a grant, the operating expenses are <br /> 38 minimal. She said that they would appreciate being able to use the facility with no fees, but if <br /> 39 that is not an option, they would suggest a flat rate of$500 per year for all times suggested <br /> 40 (mid-week and Saturday market). The current fee structure is reasonable for groups that <br /> 41 occasionally use the facility (wedding receptions, etc.), but it becomes a financial burden on the <br /> 42 farmers to have that fee paid on a weekly basis. <br /> 43 Austin Genhe spoke on the benefit of the market to the downtown area. He said that it <br /> 44 is a vital part of the community. <br /> 45 <br />