Minutes - 20040429
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040429
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:25:42 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:21:46 PM
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Agenda - 04-29-2004-1
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2004\Agenda - 04-29-2004
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growth was not a result of the savings in pollution control alone, but the savings in very limited <br />potable water resources in Florida. Mast water supplies in Florida came from underground and <br />St. Petersburg, despite its growth, is the only city in its region that was able to reduce its <br />withdrawals from its well fields. <br />What is being planned here has had two substantial benefits. It reduces the costs and impacts <br />of discharging wastewaters to receiving waters and, more importantly it conserves urban <br />potable water resources for drinking. The investments for the many hundreds of dual systems <br />in the U. S. have proven worthwhile despite the fact that all of these dual systems have had to <br />be retrofitted, which is relatively costly and which is required on the main campus. <br />However, we do have an opportunity to provide a dual system for serving the proposed Carolina <br />North campus from scratch. The dual system there can be built as the campus grows without <br />the costs and disturbances that accompany retrofitting. Lastly, these reclamation programs give <br />promise of our never having to resort to water from the heavily polluted Jordan Lake for our <br />drinking water. <br />3. Presentation on Report from Council for a Sustainable Community <br />Charlie Fisher said that Chairman Howard Lee was not able to attend this evening because he <br />was out of town. He said this group was formed last fall by the Chamber of Commerce with 21 <br />participants representing the County Commissioners and the jurisdictions and school boards. <br />He said that the most important thing is that they listened to each other in the group and people <br />came to a joint vision. He said that they adopted athree-legged stool of sustainability - do no <br />harm to the environment, adhere to the principles of social justice and equity in economic <br />community development efforts, and return strong shareholder value. The council identified <br />eight mutually supporting visions for the community. This is in the handout. They would like to <br />have the opportunity to discuss the report in more detail to all elected bodies. He noted an <br />important element in the report that the components support each other and are not separate. <br />He asked several members of the council to speak. <br />James Carnahan is a resident of Carrboro and a member of the Carrboro Planning Board. He <br />was on the infrastructure community. He spoke about elements 1, 4, and 7. He said that these <br />elements support "walkability" and public transportation. He explained #7 - A growth boundary <br />that conserves farmland, protects drinking water, open space and wildlife habitat and prevents <br />sprawl. <br />He then explained #4 -Multiple forms of transportation to increase connectivity and reduce the <br />impacts on air quality, watersheds, and public health that result from dependence on the <br />automobile. <br />He then explained #1 -Compact urban form with increased density and mixed use that fosters <br />"walkability", reduces dependence on fossil fuels, accommodates future growth, and provides <br />affordable housing. One of the issues that all governments have worked on is to have sufficient <br />affordable housing. He read part of a narrative on the bottom of page 3. <br />He said that this document says that they need to came together as a community and have a <br />process to address the issues as the area becomes denser. <br />Scott Maitland said that this process was exciting and he loved the way the group worked <br />together. He spoke about the important value of human capital and creating a cluster of <br />
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