Minutes - 20040426
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040426
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:26:12 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:21:39 PM
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Agenda - 04-26-2004-
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^ Whether there would be additional funds for startup casts far this school and how <br />they would be accessed <br />^ Smart growth principles and whether they would be applied (financial considerations) <br />^ Their seeking to ensure that the construction cost of this school would be within the <br />budget <br />^ #3 is designed based on the design of Smith Middle School and they had to <br />eliminate some of the specialized systems, make modifications in the floor plans, and <br />to use other cost control strategies. The Orange County Schools board discussed <br />the possibility of inflationary costs that might have occurred because of the <br />timeframe. They do not want to have to take other things away from the site design. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they discussed at agenda review today hiring the same firm to design the <br />adjoining site that will facilitate co-location. They also discussed that it might be useful to have <br />the group that was working on the middle school that included Commissioner Carey meet again <br />because same of the issues about co-location are yet to be resolved. There have been <br />difficulties with co-location in the past. The Board has a proposal for moving forward. <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools: Need for joint mechanism for moving forward <br />on meeting schools' capital needs. <br />Neil Pedersen said that the CHCCS chose to focus on the Capital Investment Plan (CIP). They <br />would like to mutually move forward with the projects that are critical for the future facility needs <br />for the students. They are concerned that a pattern has emerged that is leading to some delays <br />in certain projects. They would like to work cooperatively to overcome the logjam. He <br />understands that the Board of County Commissioners has considered revamping its process far <br />reviewing capital requests from the schools and other County agencies. However, he said that <br />the school board had had little time to work on the CHCCS Capital Investment Plan request due <br />to the delay in finalizing the CIP process this year. If the CIP process is still in limbo this year, <br />then they would ask the Board to approve the 2004-04 CIP projects in their CIP (mobile <br />classrooms are critical} and, if the CIP process is still changing, then they would ask that the <br />changes be made by the fall so that they could get back on a workable schedule. It has been <br />difficult because the Commissioners have not adapted a formal CIP the last two years. <br />They have three projects in need of immediate attention. The first is High School #3, and that <br />involves approving addendum B and finalizing the $30 million budget that was previously <br />established for the third high school. The second is to approve the plan for the Twin Creeks <br />project, including the entire site. They would like this to be done prior to the Board's summer <br />break. They are projecting an opening date for elementary school #10 of 2007 and they need to <br />move forward with approval for the school site at Twin Creeks. There is also a need to <br />reconvene the committee the Board of County Commissioners recommended to identify future <br />school sites. The committee was convened a year ago and they struggled to find sites. The <br />ones they have identified are slowly being procured by others. He asked for the Board's <br />assistance in getting the committee moving forward. <br />Finally, he asked that the Board move forward with the SAPFO decisions. He knows that they <br />are competing with scarce time and resources, but they do see projects slipping. <br />Chair Jacobs said that SAPFO is on the agenda far May 4t". The future sites will be up before <br />the Assembly of Governments on April 29t". He suggested a letter from the two superintendents <br />to the municipalities to give an additional nudge. Twin Creeks is in on the May 27t" work <br />
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