Minutes - 20040426
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040426
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:26:12 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:21:39 PM
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Agenda - 04-26-2004-
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Shirley Carraway said that a lot of kids are not being served and the issue is how to plan for this <br />and make it accessible for parents. She said that the planning for eight out of ten items on the <br />sheet is what they will be doing soon. They just could not do this item right now. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that two months ago Shirley Carraway did a presentation on the <br />No Child Left Behind data. He said that this was the first time that the oneness of all children in <br />this County came together for him. He said that schools in both systems have the same issues <br />with Na Child Left Behind and being smacked down far missing one tiny piece. He said that it <br />was one giant family with different looks and shapes, but the same. This is significant. <br />3. Q&A and Feedback from BOCC to School Boards <br />Elizabeth Carter said that the leaders talked about getting a sanction from the three boards for <br />this leadership group to continue in the mode to meet and to help dispel some of the negative <br />feelings. This group would come together regularly to be the vehicle between the three boards <br />so that there are no misunderstandings. <br />In answer to a question by Andy Sachs, Elizabeth Carter said that they could include the vice- <br />chairs and the superintendents, as well as the chairs. <br />Commissioner Carey said that there is no reason that this group should not meet. <br />Andy Sachs asked if the Vice-Chairs were interested in attending these collaborative meetings. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would have to think about this. <br />Nick Didow asked if the Orange County side has been kept abreast of all of the meetings. <br />Elizabeth Carter said that they have kept good notes. Nick Didow said that he is eager that the <br />productive steps are being shared with the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the discussions were frank and productive but they did not get into <br />details of what the collaborations would be about other than to set out suggestions that are on <br />the list. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to see the complete minutes or the facilitator's <br />notes as they are generated. Chair Jacobs said that they were sent as summaries in the <br />Manager's memo. <br />Elizabeth Carter said that Andy Sachs struggled with whether he needed to be part of this <br />meeting and she is hoping that after tonight that they can move forward without a facilitator. <br />She said that she hoped that they could have civil conversations. <br />Dana Thompson said that she hears that everyone would like to move forward with <br />representatives from both boards. She wants to hear more about haw the CHCCS was kept <br />informed during the process. She would like to have a definite and deliberate process so that <br />the boards know when a meeting is coming up and can have discussions and provide feedback. <br />She did not know about the preliminary meetings until very shortly before they met as joint <br />boards. She appreciates the good work that was done. <br />
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