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come from a combination of alternative financing for conservation easements and the Lands <br />Legacy Fund. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Recognition of Stanley Hughes - 2004 Small Farmer of the Year <br />The Board considered recognizing Mr. Stanley B. Hughes, owner and operator of <br />Pine Knot Farm, as the 2004 Gilmer L. and Clara Y. Dudley Small Farmer of the Year through <br />the Cooperative Extension Program, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, North <br />Carolina, and authorizing the Chair to sign the resolution on behalf of the Board. <br />Cooperative Extension Director Fletcher Barber introduced Mr. Stanley Hughes. He <br />was recognized on March 24th for this award. He said that Mr. Hughes has diversified his <br />operation in that he is organically certified, he sells collards and kale, and he has free-range <br />chickens. Mr. Hughes was also awarded a grant for $5,000 to grow medical herbs through the <br />Fletcher Research Center in Fletcher, N. C. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if he sold at the farmers markets. Stanley Hughes said that <br />he sells at the Durham and the Carrboro Farmers Markets. He thanked the Board far its <br />support. <br />Chair Jacobs read the resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiatis to <br />recognize Mr. Stanley B. Hughes, owner and operator of Pine Knot Farm, as the 2004 Gilmer L. <br />and Clara Y. Dudley Small Farmer of the Year through the Cooperative Extension Program, <br />North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, North Carolina, and authorize the Chair to <br />sign the resolution an behalf of the Board. <br />RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION <br />FOR <br />STANLEY B. HUGHES <br />2004 GILMER L. AND CLARA Y. DUDLEY <br />SMALL FARMER OF THE YEAR AWARD <br />NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIVERSITY <br />WHEREAS, Stanley B. Hughes has been a loyal and dedicated third generation farmer who <br />has survived economic and technological changes to provide a rigorous, but <br />rewarding way of life; and <br />WHEREAS, Stanley B. Hughes, despite the decreasing number of small farms, continues to <br />use innovative techniques and methods to consistently bring a safe, abundant <br />and affordable food supply to the tables of local residents; and <br />WHEREAS, Stanley B. Hughes has provided continued support and assistance as the owner <br />of a small farm to help North Carolina maintain a strong and stable economy by <br />helping in generating millions of dollars from the sale of commodities and has <br />shown that, despite changes in American agriculture, small farms continue their <br />role as leaders of North Carolina's agricultural tradition; and <br />WHEREAS, Stanley B. Hughes has committed time and energy to the Cooperative Extension <br />program of North Carolina A&T State University, in cooperation with North <br />Carolina State University, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and <br />Consumer Services, the United State Department of Agriculture and selected <br />