Orange County NC Website
minimum. She said that the County has, in attachment 5, the figure of $132,000. This is what it <br />costs APS to contract with Nicks Road Animal Clinic to do all the veterinarian services for the <br />APS owned animals that are adapted by the public. If APS no longer awns the animals, they <br />cannot provide this service for this price. If the animals are owned by APS, as far as State law <br />is concerned, they can da whatever they want as long as they do not abuse the animals. A vet <br />who is an APS employee can provide care and they do not have to be licensed or do not have <br />to own or lease a facility. If the animals are not owned by APS, then the only person that can <br />provide veterinary care is a licensed vet with his own facility that can be registered and <br />inspected by the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board. She said that the North Carolina <br />Medical Board issue is what started the entire dispute two years ago with Bobby Schopler. She <br />said that it was this issue that required them to renegotiate contracts and start all aver. <br />Because of these laws, this means that once the County takes over the shelter, the animals will <br />na longer be awned by APS. The only thing that APS can do far County owned animals under <br />North Carolina law is to sell their low-cost spaylneuter certificates. The Nicks Road Clinic can <br />redeem the certificates. Just for the spays and neuters, it would cost the County $21,000 per <br />month for those certificates, or $252,000 a year. This is just for the necessary care in order to <br />adopt out the animals, without any rounds of veterinary care. APS paid additional veterinary <br />hours of approximately $1,000 a month for regular care. This means that it would cost the <br />County $264,000 a year for veterinary services. She made reference to the addendum given to <br />the Board by the staff that says, "those services are to be worked out with APS" and said that <br />there is nothing to work out. The only option they have under State law is to provide the low- <br />cost spaylneuter certificates. <br />Elliot Cramer's statement is as follows: <br />It is almost two years since Laura Walters fired Bobby Schopler and you were first <br />alerted to problems at the Orange County animal shelter, including substandard performance <br />and illegal operation of a veterinary practice. You have since expressed your strong concern <br />and dedication to the animals. Yau have proceeded at a very deliberate pace, bringing us to this <br />decision point. "The mills of the gods grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine". <br />• Volunteers <br />Volunteer considerations have been an issue, but the information I have provided <br />shows that APS has very few serious volunteers and, as John Link has said, many have <br />expressed their intention to continue. Only 18 volunteers who volunteered prior to February <br />fulfilled their 8-hour per month commitment in March; of these only 13 did anything beyond dog <br />walking. You can expect increased volunteerism under County management. With the very <br />generous salaries and benefits associated with the operations manager and customer relations <br />manager positions, I believe you can obtain very competent and experienced employees and I <br />hope that these essential positions will be advertised to non-APS employees. <br />• Cost to the County <br />Page 32 shows a 30% increased cast to the County of $162,000, but this is <br />misleading; $70,000 is for an Animal Services Director over BOTH animal control and the <br />shelter, providing oversight that has been lacking. The income from adoptions is understated <br />by $26,000 based on current fees and 2003 adoptions. It would be even higher using the <br />higher adoption figures for 2001 or 2002. <br />puppy dog cat kitten other (average) <br />Adopt fee $104 $113 $91 $80 $15 <br />number 423 471 464 497 82 2003 report <br />Income $180,429 vs. $154,400 claimed by APS <br />• Veterinarian care <br />