Orange County NC Website
Attachment A Amd 1 <br />Orange County Solid Waste ManagemenTR Contract 4119 <br />P.O. Box 17177 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 -7177 (919) 968 -2885 FAX(919)932-2900 <br />�rrt' igtf� <br />Orange County Landfill 932 -2989 Orange Community Recycling 968 -2788 <br />February 28, 2012 <br />Mr. Rob Taylor <br />NCDAEO <br />1639 Mail Service Center <br />Raleigh NC 27699 -1639 <br />Ref: Grant Contract # 4119 <br />Dear Rob: <br />This is to request a change in the use of grant funds that Orange County was awarded during the 2011 <br />grant round for local governments, grant contract #4119. We now want to use the $11,968 that was <br />initially awarded to buy three roll -off containers to haul tear -off shingles to a recycling market to instead <br />help pay for part of the baler we plan to buy to improve the efficiency, safety and density of our baling <br />process for rigid, non - bottle plastics, mixed paper and other materials that might also require baling. <br />The baler was also to be purchased using an additional $18,000 from that same grant. We estimate the <br />baler will cost about $50,000 when purchased and installed, so shifting the $11,968 in funds from the <br />purchase of roll -off containers to the purchase of a baler will still keep Orange County's share of the <br />match well above the 20% hard match required by the grant. <br />The reason for the change is that we are no longer expecting favorable terms from the local licensed <br />shingle recycling vendor i.e. sufficient revenue from the combination of hauling shingles to market or <br />from selling the shingles themselves to cover program costs and minimally acceptable tip fee revenue <br />losses. Those two potential sources of revenue combined with an anticipated increase in the tonnage of <br />shingles due to a lowered tipping fee would have made up for the projected revenue loss we anticipated <br />by lowering the tipping fee 50% for loads of shingles only from $44 per ton for mixed C &D to $22 per <br />ton for shingles only. Once the shingle recycler we'd planned to use determined it was far cheaper for <br />them to haul the shingles themselves that anticipated source of hauling revenue was eliminated, <br />Additionally the shingle recycler determined that the value of what they deemed a 'processing fee' was <br />to be set at $2 per ton, rather than a higher value we had projected. Further with the depressed <br />building market and overall recession causing deferred maintenance, there was some doubt as to our <br />ability to make up all other lost revenue from a possible doubling of shingle tonnage coming into the <br />landfill due to the proposed 50% lower tipping fee; doubling shingle tonnage would have arithmetically <br />allowed break even, without any hauling revenue or processing fee revenue. <br />At further issue internally, was the fact that we are now faced with closing the MSW landfill, transition <br />to single stream recycling and rebuilding one of our convenience centers. This big increase in work load, <br />along with the standard set of everyday challenges has we feel diminished our ability to effectively take <br />