Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT A <br />NCEM Training Guideline for FYI Grant <br />✓ Grant period covered is October 15, 2011 through August 31, 2014. <br />✓ Training monies - $45,000.00 per jurisdiction — monies to be used to host NIMS training <br />(IS700, IS 701, IS702, IS703, IS706, IS800, IS860, ICS 100 — 400, any position specific ICS <br />classes, All Hazard Incident Management Team training, HSEEP classes, Hazardous <br />Materials (Awareness), Search and Rescue (FUNSAR, MSO, MLSO), Public Official <br />Conference and Emergency Management Certification classes. Allowable costs include <br />contract instructor /instructors, room rental, student materials, back fill costs, expendable <br />materials for class. <br />✓ Training monies will be granted per county. <br />✓ Training must be regional and /or multi- agency. <br />✓ A "Lead County" for reimbursement must be established in the training proposal. <br />✓ Award letter will be sent to local jurisdictions by October 15, 2011. <br />✓ All training held by a local jurisdiction must be entered into Webforms as required by <br />the Department of Homeland Security Office of Grants and Training. Webform <br />information will be available with Memorandum of Understanding between NCEM and <br />local jurisdiction. <br />✓ If a jurisdiction does not want to participate in the proposal, they can assign grant monies back <br />to the State for management. <br />✓ These returned grant monies would be used by the State Training Office to offer certification <br />and NIMS trainings (all courses listed in approved courses above) across the State. <br />✓ Training proposals and available funding will be evaluated mid grant period. <br />✓ Counties will submit for reimbursement in accordance with ATTACHMENT C. <br />INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />