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Commissioner Brawn said that she does not want to be called to task with having a quorum of <br />County Commissioners in any meeting. <br />Chair Jacobs said that "I" was an attempt to cover this because there were cases where County <br />Commissioners wanted to participate even though they would create a quorum. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to attachment "J" and said that this is a definition of <br />Commissioner Liaison. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about #6 on item "J" which states that a Commissioner Liaison <br />"would provide procedural direction and relays Commissioners' position to the board or <br />commission, and communicates to the board or commission that the liaison's role is not to direct <br />the board/commission in its activities or work". She said that she thinks it is not needed. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she wants #6 to stay because it fleshes it out. <br />Geof Gledhill said that #6 focuses on procedure and that is the difference between #6 and #1. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that #6 says that it tells the Commissioner not to get involved in <br />that discussion of that board or committee. <br />The Board agreed to leave in #6. <br />Chair Jacobs said that attachment "K" (revised Volunteer Resolution) is the resolution in one <br />document with the changes. Under #1, the sentence about non-residents has been deleted. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she thought atone time we were asking our boards and <br />commissions to look through the applicants and invite them all to the meeting, and bring them to <br />the Board of County Commissioners as the only criteria if they came to a meeting and showed <br />interest and wished to be considered. She thought that the boards and commissions were not <br />supposed to recommend anyone. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he does not think that there has been consensus on the Board of County <br />Commissioners on this. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that Commissioner Brown develop a procedure and present it to the <br />Clerk. <br />Commissioner Brown said that we should also make sure the members on subcommittees are <br />also chosen members of the larger board. Chair Jacobs said that this is already in the <br />resolution. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that the Clerk take the revised resolution and put it on the consent <br />agenda with the changes. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to #9 (Volunteer Members Orientation) on the resolution <br />and asked if we do a volunteer orientation program. Donna Baker said that the last time it was <br />done was in 2000. It will be done again this fall at the same time of the Chairs meeting. <br />