Minutes - 20040401
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040401
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8/14/2008 3:29:04 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:20:49 PM
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Agenda - 04-01-2004-
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Commissioner Gordon would like to know what the hybrid model is. She said that she would <br />always ask about costs. <br />Commissioner Carey asked what kind of hybrid Commissioner Jacobs was talking about. He <br />thinks that option B is a hybrid that captures the best of everything that has been mentioned. <br />He said that the task force protected the potential of volunteers to control casts. He said that <br />protecting the influence of any hybrid that employs people of different entities would be difficult. <br />He said that he recognizes that any citizen group is an advisory group, but he thinks the Board <br />should give their recommendation heavy thought in their final decision. Otherwise, the task <br />force members have wasted their time. He said that if they had considered costs, they would <br />have gone with option A. <br />Chair Jacobs said that his proposal is a hybrid of option B, where instead of having just an <br />advisory board, that it is a partner. He would hesitate to make everyone that works at the <br />shelter to be a County employee. He said that adding 19 positions to the County employee <br />base is a huge addition, and he is not ready to make this commitment without looking at other <br />options. His option is close to this and it leaves the authority residing with the Board of County <br />Commissioners and the County Manager. It would even have some executive oversight that <br />would report to the County Manager. The other entity could participate as a volunteer group <br />that would bring resources, people, and expertise and would foster openness. <br />Dan Textoris said that he agrees with Chair Jacobs, but he disagrees with the way he put it. He <br />said that they did not get into the policies for option B. With option B, he would like to see that <br />every animal that is handed over goes through a County mandated adoptability screening and is <br />held for some period of time. After that, the adoptable animals could be handed over to anon- <br />profitgroup orgroups rather than being held at a County facility. He feels it is very important <br />that citizens feel that it is safe to bring their animals to the shelter. <br />Commissioner Brown agreed and said that she remembers five times she was called by citizens <br />that said that their dogs had been picked up and they called the animal shelter, who denied that <br />the animal was there. The citizen went to the animal shelter and looked around and did not see <br />the animal, and then a few days later went back and the animal was there. No one ever called <br />them to say that their animal came in. She said that on three occasions, the animals were put <br />down. She said that this is outrageous and heartbreaking. She said that there was no one to <br />go to and she could not get a response. This should not happen when the County is paying for <br />this. She said that the health issue that HSUS found is really important and she does not know <br />how it is being corrected. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if everyone was in agreement that option A is not an option and <br />the County Commissioners agreed. <br />John Link said that he knows what has to done. He said that the County has gone through two <br />transitions in the last few years with Solid Waste and Rescue. It is going to take the staff every <br />single day from now to July 1St to make this work, and that is assuming that the core of the <br />employees are County employees. Volunteers will not be the core; it will be the employees and <br />all of that will be more expensive than the present operation. The staff will come back by April <br />20tH with the numbers. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis reiterated what Commissioner Brown said that the APS budget that was <br />presented a while back was bogus, frivolous, and catering to the sublime. He thinks if you make <br />the volunteer piece work, then costs can be reduced. He will support a realistic budget. <br />
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