Orange County NC Website
E:1 <br />environmental impact. The demand for power will not decline. We must embrace <br />renewable means of power generation. <br />C. The location of the use if developed according to o the plan submitted will be in <br />harmony with the area in which it is to be located and the use is in compliance with the <br />plan for the physical development of the County as embodied in these regulations or in <br />the Comprehensive Plan or portion thereof, adopted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br />The proposed solar farm is consistent with the residential and agricultural land use <br />pattern that exists in the area today. The site of the proposed solar farm is somewhat <br />isolated from adjacent properties. It is separated from adjacent properties to the south by <br />a stream buffer; and immediately adjacent properties to the north and west are owned by <br />the same property owner as the subject property. In addition, a 75' Type E Land Use <br />buffer, overhead utility option, will be provided in accordance with Orange County Code <br />in order to provide a transition between adjacent properties and the proposed solar arrays. <br />The proposed solar farm is consistent with the Orange County Land Use Plan. <br />Throughout the Orange County Land Use Plan references are made to the County's <br />desire to encourage locally- generated alternative energy resources and to promote <br />alternative and sustainable fuels. The Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory and Reduction <br />Action Plan initiated by Orange County in 2006 suggested that private alternative energy <br />production be encouraged in the County. Further, the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan encourages preservation of the rural land use pattern. Maintaining large tracts of <br />land is necessary to maintain rural character. The site of the proposed solar farm totals <br />53.311 acres of land. Allowing the subject property to develop as a solar farm provides <br />an opportunity for locally generated energy resources in Orange County and creates <br />income for the property owner and tax base for the County that does not result in another <br />suburban-style residential subdivision. <br />The proposed solar farm will consume practically no county services: no seats in county <br />schools or on school buses, virtually no refuse or recycling needs, no special sheriff <br />protection, no light pollution, no emissions of any kind, no demand for water from <br />depleted aquifers and no sewage disposal. <br />D. The proposed Special Use Permit is for a Public Utility Station subject to the <br />requirements of Section 5.9.3 as follows: <br />Where a building is involved and it is proposed to be located in a <br />residentially zoned district it shall have the appearance suitable for a <br />residential district, or it shall be screened from adjacent residential land <br />No building is proposed on this property. <br />2. Where buildings are setback from road rights of way or from rip 'vate <br />property lines by a distance of 200 feet screening will not be r uired <br />