Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Permit issued by the Orange County Board of Adjustment in 2008 (Please refer to the vicinity <br />map contained within Attachment 2 for additional detail). <br />The applicant intends to recombine the subject parcel with the adjacent camp property and <br />construct the required septic system, and repair area, supporting continued camp operations. <br />The property cannot be used for this purpose, or recombined with the camp property, unless it is <br />first removed from the restrictions of the Heartwood SUP and rezoned accordingly. <br />Planned Development Requirements: Staff has completed a review of the available file(s) and <br />various minutes associated with the Heartwood Planned Development. It would appear the <br />subject parcel was originally intended to house a portion of the recreation amenities for the <br />project, specifically bunkhouses to support the community center proposed for the project. <br />Since approval of the project in 1986, the applicant has caused these amenities to be developed <br />on other parcels. <br />Staff has been unable to discover the imposition of specific limitations, conditions, or <br />development requirements associated with the subject parcel. Further, staff has determined <br />that the removal of the parcel from the Planned Development will not create a violation of <br />required, and approved, dimensional standards including, but not limited to: <br />REQUIRED STANDARDS <br />PROPOSED (per plat) <br />IMPACT OF REQUEST <br />(per plat) <br />(staff assessment) <br />Floor Area Ratio (FAR) <br />82,000 sq. ft. (1.88 acres) <br />Proposed modification will not <br />Maximum allowed — 88,957 <br />increase the FAR for the project. <br />sq.ft. <br />In fact, the total FAR will be <br />reduced. <br />Minimum Required Open <br />1,445,147 sq. ft. (33.17 acres) <br />Open space will be reduced to <br />Space - 1,288,348 sq.ft (29.5 <br />approximately 1,362,137 sq.ft. <br />acres) <br />(31.2 acres) <br />Minimum Required Livability <br />1,280,147 sq.ft (29.3 acres) <br />Livability space will be reduced <br />Space — 1,150,310 sq.ft. (26.4 <br />to approximately 1,197,146 sq.ft. <br />acres) <br />(27.4 acres) <br />Minimum Required Recreation <br />96,000 sq. ft (2.2 acres) <br />There is approximately 130,680 <br />Space — 29,141 sq.ft. <br />sq.ft. (3 acres) of designated and <br />existing recreation area within <br />the project. <br />Please refer to Attachment 5 for an explanation of the various ratio standards detailed herein. <br />Ordinance Requirements — Class A Special Use: in accordance with Section 2.7.14 of the UDO <br />this request represents a modification of the previously approved SUP in that the property was <br />originally slated for the development of required /approved recreational area. The County has to <br />approve the proposed alteration and modify the SUP and plat accordingly. <br />In reviewing the request with other County departments, the following comments have been <br />received: <br />