Agenda - 05-29-2012 - C1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-29-2012 - Budget Work Session
Agenda - 05-29-2012 - C1
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Last modified
6/25/2015 10:30:18 AM
Creation date
5/21/2012 11:13:42 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-29-2012
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11 <br />This move requires me to alter my master plan of the Heartwood project by removing <br />this lot and re- defining the uses of the other surrounding lots consistent with this new <br />vision. <br />Lot 31 was originally intended to provide for the development of a bunk house to <br />support the development of a creative learning center within the Heartwood project. As <br />this portion of the project has been abandoned due to the development of my farm as <br />the creative learning center, there is no need to have this lot within the Heartwood <br />project any longer. It will continue to serve its original, intended function by being <br />removed from the Planned Development and recombined with the farm property and <br />provide the necessary location for my septic field. <br />I have discussed this issue with local homeowners who have indicated their approval for <br />the proposal in an effort to address issues at my camp. <br />COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDINANCE: <br />As I understand this process I am required to provide some explanation of how this <br />proposal will carry out the intent of the Ordinance. In trying to comply, I would like to <br />offer the following responses: <br />• Spence's Farm has served over 10,000 children over the past years and this <br />modification will bring together all of the properties used as part of its programs <br />as well as solve the long term problem of providing adequate bathroom facilities. <br />• This process was initiated to address a long standing septic problem on my farm <br />property. In fact we are eliminating an existing problem through a sanctioned <br />process. We have already made preparation to apply for a septic permit from the <br />State and the county to address the septic needs of the camp, <br />• There is nothing associated with this rezoning that should alter the provision of <br />public services. In fact I would argue that this proposal will address public safety <br />concerns by providing the farm with community bathroom facilities adequate to <br />serve the farms needs and a viable location for the necessary septic system for <br />all of the camps needs, <br />• This proposal will not alter or require the alteration of existing road access for the <br />Heartwood properties or the camp operation, <br />• This proposal will not increase traffic on local roadways. <br />
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