Orange County NC Website
elsewhere. We have included funding the increased student enrollment at the current per pupil funding <br />at $3,102, which represents a $1.7 million increase in the funding between both districts. <br />If the County Commission agrees to increase the property tax rate to generate additional revenues to <br />address the current expense request of both school districts, increases in the property tax rate outlined <br />below will produce the following property tax revenues: <br />Property Tax Per Pupil <br />Tax Increase Revenues Generated Equivalency <br />1 cent $1,574,232 $79.91 <br />1.5 cents $2,361,348 $119.87 <br />2 cents $3,148,464 $159.82 <br />2.5 cents $3,935,580 $199.78 <br />3 cents $4,722,696 $239.73 <br />*Based on 19,700 Students <br />Both school districts have available fund balance that each could use to fund their budget needs. The <br />Board can authorize each school district to use excess fund balance to address their funding needs. The <br />estimated excess fund balance for each school district is as follows: <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools - 5.5% <br />local funding minimum requirement <br />Orange County Schools - 3% local funding <br />minimum requirement <br />Estimated Excess <br />Existing Fund Above Established <br />Balance Minimum <br />$ 6,675,445 $ 3,316,138 <br />$ 4,875,245 $ 4,155,549 <br />Details regarding recommended funding levels for local school districts and Durham Technical <br />Community College are located in the Education section of the budget document. <br />During tonight's work session, Commissioners will have the opportunity to dialogue with the Boards <br />of Education about county funding and anticipated State funding for schools next year. Attachments <br />1 & 2 provide additional information of how Orange County compares with other counties within <br />North Carolina related to Current Expense funding per pupil, and other educational related funding <br />issues. <br />County Support of Orange County Campus of Durham Technical Community College <br />As with local school districts, counties in North Carolina are responsible for supplementing state and <br />federal appropriations to community colleges. For the most part, counties are responsible for day -to- <br />day operating costs such as utilities, security and custodians. Counties are not responsible for <br />teaching staff. <br />The recommended budget provides $569,450 to Durham Technical Community College for FY2012- <br />13 which includes appropriations of current expense of $529,450 and recurring capital of $40,000.. <br />