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from residents and to offer ideas. They will be wrapping up the outreach on April 2$~" in the <br />Battle Courtroom for Hillsborough. The meetings are informal and are not part of the public <br />hearing process. They realize that same of the most important planning areas are within the <br />County and the Town and the fringe areas. They would like to work with Hillsborough to plan <br />the fringe areas. <br />He said that item 5 is how the County and the Town can plan for this urbanlsuburban/rural <br />fringe and how to make sure there is no sprawl. <br />6. Potential Joint Task Force far Coordinated Land Use Plannina (Hillsborough) <br />Commissioner Gering said that concern has come up from time to time about the need to <br />coordinate land use planning with the County. Now that the County has a comprehensive land <br />use plan change, it seemed like a good time to have a more constructive dialogue and work <br />together far mutual benefits. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Craig Benedict to work with Margaret Hauth on a proposal for haw to take <br />the comprehensive land use plan update and segue it into working together. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the time frame to update the land use plan is this calendar year. <br />Craig Benedict said that this is a doable process and they have already done an analysis on <br />water and sewer boundaries, transition areas, developed versus undeveloped, etc. <br />Mayor Phelps asked Craig Benedict about the public meetings and if he has developed a plan <br />for the Hillsborough area. He asked if there were some things in draft form for their area that <br />they need to be aware of. He asked if there was a goal date set to implement this. <br />Craig Benedict said that they will try informal township meetings and on the back of the sheet is <br />the more formal process timeline. He said that one primary thing is to have a sharp <br />demarcation of where an urban area lies and where a rural area lies. He said that he would be <br />available to meet with their board to talk about this plan. He said that this plan only handles the <br />planning jurisdiction of Orange County, but it would handle the perimeter where there would be <br />water and sewer services offered. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they are not going out with maps yet. This is only a concept and <br />discussion. He thinks it is great that they can plan together. <br />Margaret Hauth said that the two boards have worked together with short term task forces <br />before and maybe they could activate one again. <br />6. Future Plans for Former Orange Enterprises/Current Alternative School Site <br />(Hillsborough and Orange County) <br />Mayor Phelps said that this item was about the future plans for the Tryon Street site <br />Commissioner Gering said that he remembers when there was a garage there and a tree fell <br />through it and the County deconstructed it. He said that after that, the County had a temporary <br />structure for the library and they told the neighbors that this was only temporary and now it is a <br />temporary site for the alternative school. The neighbors are apprehensive about this continued <br />