Orange County NC Website
Mayor Phelps said that at US 70 Business and NC 86 intersection at Elizabeth Brady Road, the <br />Town asked for a study about a stoplight. They gat a letter and he understands that a stoplight <br />will be put in here. <br />Mayor Phelps said that they have had questions about the status of the request from the State <br />Employees' Credit Union. <br />Craig Benedict said that the process was approved by the Board of County Commissioners for <br />both the special use permit and the rezoning. They will be expanding the drive-through lanes <br />and parking. <br />Commissioner Lowen said that the Planning Department came before the Board of Adjustment <br />far the expansion of the Planning Department building. He asked about the status of this. <br />Craig Benedict said that the project was proposed before the State budget cuts. It is an hold far <br />now and they will try and address it in different ways. Margaret Hauth said that it expires in 10 <br />days. <br />10. Other Business <br />Commissioner Lowen said that there is a property in Hillsborough's ETJ property next to Lowe's <br />- the Corbin property, which is full of junk. He said that this is in horrible shape and he has <br />received calls about it. This is not in their jurisdiction and it is becoming more recognizable <br />because of the addition of the turn lane. He requested that the County do something about this <br />as soon as possible. <br />Craig Benedict said that he would work with the County Attorney to find out about the violations. <br />Geof Gledhill said that Orange County does not have afree-standing junk vehicle ordinance. <br />The zoning ordinance does not go into the ETJ, so it is no one's land regulatory area. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the steak house burned about three months ago and the mess <br />has stayed there. He asked whose jurisdiction this was in. It was answered that it is in the <br />Town's jurisdiction. Margaret Hauth said that she received the condemnation notice today from <br />the Building Inspector. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there is a junk trailer parked there with an automobile on it that <br />is covered with canvas. There was also sheet metal flying across the road with the wind. This <br />is a safety issue. <br />Commissioner Lowen said that he would like to address the situation behind Lowe's as soon as <br />possible. <br />Chair Jacobs said to put this on the proposed joint task force far coordinated land use planning. <br />Geof Gledhill said that it could be done by incorporating the kinds of nuisance and junk vehicles <br />in the zoning regulations because Hillsborough's zoning regulations do apply in the ETJ. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked the Hillsborough Tawn Board for hosting this meeting. <br />Chair Jacobs asked that the Board of County Commissioners adjourn this meeting until 11:00 <br />a.m. on Tuesday, March 30t" at the Government Services Center. <br />